Wednesday, 5 December 2018

PHP MVC insert

In this example we using Models, Views, Controller Structure for insert data into the database.
To insert data in the database first we have to create a Controller file.

class Index extends Controller {
function __construct() {
function index() {
$this->view->allrecords = $this->model->getAllrecords();
function edit_submit_index(){
if ($action=='submit')
$data = array(
'id' =>null,
'name' =>$_POST['name'],
'email' =>$_POST['email'],
'contact' => $_POST['contact']
header('location: index');

Here is the model file which we are using for inserting data to database.
The file index_model.php is created under Models folder


class Index_Model extends Model
public function __construct()
public function getAllrecords()
return $this->db->select("SELECT * FROM `mvc` ORDER BY id DESC");
public function submit_index($data)
$this->db->insert('mvc', $data);

Here is the view file index.php which inside views folder contains the form


<div class="container">
<div class="row clearfix">
<div class="col-md-12 column">
<form action="<?php echo URL; ?>index/edit_submit_index" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"onsubmit="return confirm('Do you really want to submit the form?');">
<div class="col-xs-6 form-group">
<label class="control-label col-xs-6" for="name">name:</label>
<div class="col-xs-6">
<input class="form-control" name="name" id="name" placeholder="Enter name">
<div class="col-xs-6 form-group">
<label class="control-label col-xs-6" for="email">email:</label>
<div class="col-xs-6">
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="email" id="email" placeholder="Enter email">
<div class="col-xs-6 form-group">
<label class="control-label col-xs-6" for="contact">contact:</label>
<div class="col-xs-6">
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="contact" id="contact" placeholder="Enter contact">
<div class="col-xs-6 form-group"> 
<div class="col-sm-offset-2 col-xs-6">
<button type="submit" class=".btn-info form-control" value="submit" name="submit">Submit</button>

Path: localhost/project_folder_name/view_folder_name/view_filename
Example: localhost/mvc/index/index

Hello World in MVC

MODEL: It is a class file which contains the Database connectivity queries inside it.
CONTROLLER: This file access the methods and variables declared.
VIEW: It contains all the HTML and view page.
In Controller create a file named "hello.php". This file will be saved in the Controller folder.


class Hello extends Controller {
function __construct() {
function index() {

Create a file index.php and place inside views folder.


<!DOCTYPE html> 
<title>Hello World</title> 
<p>Hello World!!</p> 

Now run the file in any browser: http://localhost/mvc/hello/index

Thursday, 4 October 2018

On Page SEO

SEO Title Tag

The first and most important part of your on-page SEO is the title tag (<title></title>). Many people who outsource or create a site in a WYSIWYG editor completely forget about the last of the meta tags that still gives some quality ranking love from search engines.

The benefits of using optimized title tags are three fold:

  1. A user searching for your keyword will see your site's link highlighted in the search engines if your page's title is the same as the phrase they searched for. This drastically increases click through and can even give you more traffic than those who rank above you if their title tags are not optimized.
  2. Increase your rankings on the search engines.
  3. Help the engines distinguish between pages that might look similar.

Higher Clickthrough Rates

Search engine optimization isn't just about showing up number one on search engines. Rather, it's about getting the all the traffic that you deserve from the search engines. If you rank #6 for "free hats" and you and your competitors forget to include that in the page's title tag, chances are, the person doing the search won't see much difference between your site and the others.
However, if you were to change your website's title text to target your most important keyword phrase "free hats", then when someone completes the search for "free hats", they'd see your site show up in bold. This technique will greatly increase the user's desire to view your site first, as your site looks much more relevant and targeted.

Better Rankings

All too often, people believe that the title tag is a place to list the business and domain name of the website. This is wrong and is wasting one of the easiest ways you can tell the search engines what the a page is about and how they should categorize it. While humans might not notice the title tag, search engines certainly do.
Use this opportunity to choose the most important keyword that you want to go after and get the free ranking boost that so many websites are missing out on. If you still want to include your domain or name of the company, do it after your keyword, followed by a dash (e.g. "free hats -") to show that your keyword is the most important.

Help the Engines Distinguish your Pages

It's not easy being a search engine. They crawl the web day and night, taking the information from the web and trying to categorize it in a useful manner so that users can find what they're looking for. Make their job easier. Post clearly what the topic of each page is, using title tags, and help the search engine to distinguish one page from another.
You may have two pages that are quite similar and it may require a little thought to point out how they different. Don't make the search engines figure out for themselves because they might make a mistake. Instead, make the decision for them. Spell the differences out for them and help your rankings in the process. This is just one strategy in avoiding the duplicate content penalty, which we'll be getting into greater depth later.

Monday, 1 October 2018

Seo Page Rank

What is PageRank?

PageRank is a ranking system that previously was the foundation of the infamous search engine, Google. When search engines were first developed, they ranked all websites equally and would return results based only on the content and meta tags the pages contained. At the time, however, the PageRank system would revolutionize search engine rankings by including one key factor: a site's authority.

To determine how important, or authoritative, a site was Google chose several big sites, such as,, and These sites were clear authorities, and Google figured that if these websites chose to link to another site (let's say site B), then site B would receive a piece of that site's authority. If site B were to link to another site (how about C), then site C would also receive a piece of authority, though much smaller.

Using this system of passing authority, Google would then count up how much authority a site had and give it a PageRank from 0 to 10. The PageRank system has become more complicated since then, but this is how it all started.

What's my PageRank?

If you would like to see what PageRank your site has or other sites have, install Google's Toolbar. Google has made a small green bar that starts at 0 page rank (a blank bar) all the way up to 10 (a full green bar, which is 100% authoritative). It should be noted that the PageRank shown in the toolbar is an estimate released by Google, and it is only updated every 3 months or so.

Who Uses PageRank?

When PageRank first came out, only Google was using the technology, but as other search engines have seen how much it improved Google's accuracy, nearly every search engine has added the PageRank system in to be at least part of their algorithm. In the past, while many of the search engines were still working on adding PageRank to their search algorithm, some couldn't wait to make their own and instead signed deals with Google to have them power their results (Yahoo did this for quite some time).

Apart from search engines, SEOs (Search Engine Optimization specialists), link buyers, webmasters, marketers, and anyone interested in a site's value will often look to the Google PageRank when trying to quickly determine the importance of a site.

How Important is PageRank?

When Google was in its childhood, PageRank was the single most important factor for ranking well. However, as soon as the SEO community caught on to this, there was a great deal of people who found ways to artificially boost their clients' PageRank. Those sites became more authoritative than Google thought they should be. Since then, Google and other search engines have constantly refined how important PageRank is, and its importance has definitely declined through the years.

One tactic Google uses is to update Google Toolbar PageRank values four times a year instead of every week, making it difficult for SEOs to know a site's real PageRank. Another tactic is to prevent a site that has been known to sell links from passing any of its PageRank (authority) on to sites that it links to. However, Google can't use that tactic too much because then they run the risk of preventing good sites from being ranked as they should be.

This is a battle between Google and SEOs that will not be ending anytime soon!

Where do I Get PageRank for my Site?

Now we've come to the part where you actually have to do work! It's tough, but getting a high PageRank for your site should definitely be part of your longterm SEO strategy.

The only way to get PageRank is to get a link from a site that already has PageRank. This means that getting a ton of links from PageRank 0 sites will not help your score. However, a single link from a site with a PageRank 6 can immediately boost your site to a PageRank 5 if the site is trusted by Google and is not linking to a massive amount of other sites.

The process of increasing your PageRank is directly tied to link acquisition. Link acquisition is getting links from other sites, be it via natural or through link purchasing. We cover both of these topics in greater detail, and you should read each lesson to learn more about the benefits and drawbacks of each.

Final Thoughts: PageRank

Although not nearly as important as it used to be, PageRank can still be the deciding factor that bumps your site to the top of the search engines. Not only that, but it is also a good indicator of which sites you should spend your most time trying to get links from. Sites with a PageRank 0 are either being punished by Google, or just have an authority of zero, nada, zilch, bupkis, and generally not worth your time.

Keyword Research

Keyword Research

Before you can start optimizing your site for the search engines, you must first know which terms you want to target. A good start would be to choose 3 or 4 keywords you would like your website to rank well for. With these keywords in your mind you can then set a goal to rank in the top 10 results on Google for each of them (we refer to Google because if you can rank well there, you'll rank well on the other search engines). These keywords can be either broad or specific, but you'll want to study our list of pros and cons of each before choosing.

Broad Keywords

A broad keyword is one that many people search for, because they may only have a vague idea of what they're looking for. Broad keywords tend to be very short and aren't very specific (e.g. "shoes" or "sports"). These keywords are difficult to rank #1 for because so many other websites might have an article or two that mention shoes. However, if you can rank well for a broad keyword, you will be receiving a great deal of traffic.

Summary: Hard to rank for, but worth it in the long run. We recommend that beginners only choose a broad keyword if their industries are not very competitive.

Specific Keywords

A specific keyword is something that contains many adjectives or words that make the search very targeted. The people doing these types of searches know exactly what they want (e.g. "used black high heel shoes"). These keywords are much less competitive and are easier to rank for on search engines. The downside is that they receive a great deal less volume of searches per month. In terms of traffic, you will need to have several #1 rankings for specific keywords to equal one #1 ranking broad keyword.

Summary: Easier to rank for and it's highly targeted traffic. The only downside is that the number of visitors you will receive is relatively low.

Unique or Branded Keywords

These are the words that are specific to only your company. They are one of the most easiest ways to get traffic. However, some companies will release a new product, with a unique name, and then forget to optimize for that keyword on their website. Their SEO savvy competitors can then pick up the slack and take over the top rankings for these terms. If you have a popular brand or product, make sure that you have optimized for these freebie keywords.

Keyword Research Tools

Keyword research tools are 2 parts voodoo magic and 1 part hard statistic. This is partly due to Google not releasing actual numbers and partly due to overeager SEO Tool developers trying to sell their products. Because there is such a sizable uncertainty in all keyword research tools, it is best to use as many different sources as you can,. Even with multiple sources, you should only take the information you gather as a recommendation, rather than a fact.

Yahoo has been releasing their keyword search information for years, and many tools are based off of this specific data. We've collected a wide variety of helpful tools that will give you a general idea of which keywords you should target when making and optimizing your websites.

Picking a Short List

To put the optimizing tactics that we teach to good use, we recommend that you try to target no more than 2 or 3 keyword phrases per page. A common mistake by many SEO beginners is to stuff 500 different keywords on one page and wait for the #1 rankings to roll in. That might have worked 10 years ago, but the algorithms that search engines use these days are much more sophisticated and are not tricked by this. That's why it's best to start small, and be concise with the keywords that you choose. New sites in particular will find it nearly impossible to rank well for many keyword phrases upon first starting out.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for beginners

You've finished your web design, uploaded your files, and set up your blog, but you're still not getting as many visitors as you hoped for. What gives? Chances are you haven't started working on one of the most important ways to market your site, Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for Beginners

You've finished your web design, uploaded your files, and set up your blog, but you're still not getting as many visitors as you hoped for. What gives? Chances are you haven't started working on one of the most important ways to market your site, Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

What SEO Is

Search Engine Optimization refers to the collection of techniques and practices that allow a site to get more traffic from search engines (Google, Yahoo, Microsoft). SEO can be divided into two main areas: off-page SEO (work that takes place separate from the website) and on-page SEO (website changes to make your website rank better). This tutorial will cover both areas in detail! Remember, a website is not fully optimized for search engines unless it employs both on and off-page SEO.

What SEO Is Not

SEO is not purchasing the number #1 sponsored link through Google Adwords and proclaiming that you have a #1 ranking on Google. Purchasing paid placements on search engines is a type of Search Engine Marketing (SEM), and is not covered in this tutorial.

SEO is not ranking #1 for your company's name. If you're reading this tutorial, you probably already know that ranking for popular terms is darn near impossible, but specific terms, such as a company name, is a freebie. The search engines usually are smart enough to award you that rank by default (unless you are being penalized).

Who Uses SEO

If a website is currently ranked #10 on Google for the search phrase, "how to make egg rolls," but wants to rise to #1, this websites needs to consider SEO. Because search engines have become more and more popular on the web, nearly anyone trying to get seen on the web can benefit from a little SEO loving.

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

CSS media queries sizes

/* Shared/Common */
@media only screen
and (max-device-width: 1024px)
and (max-device-height: 1024px) {
    p {    }

@media only screen
and (orientation:portrait)
and (max-device-width: 1024px)
and (max-device-height: 1024px) {
    p {    }

@media only screen
and (orientation:landscape)
and (max-device-width: 1024px)
and (max-device-height: 1024px) {
    p {    }

/* Galaxy S5 */
@media only screen
and (max-width: 360px)
and (max-height: 640px)
and (orientation:portrait) {
   p {    }

@media only screen
and (max-height: 360px)
and (max-width: 640px)
and (orientation:landscape){
  p {    }

/* Nexus 5x */
@media only screen
and (min-width: 361px)
and (max-width: 411px)
and (min-height: 641px)
and (max-height: 731px)
and (orientation:portrait) {
   p {    }

@media only screen
and (min-height: 361px)
and (max-height: 411px)
and (min-width: 641px)
and (max-width: 731px)
and (orientation:landscape){
   p {    }

/* Nexus 6p */
@media only screen
and (min-width: 412px)
and (max-width: 435px)
and (min-height: 732px)
and (max-height: 773px)
and (orientation:portrait) {
    p {    }

@media only screen
and (min-height: 412px)
and (max-height: 435px)
and (min-width: 732px)
and (max-width: 773px)
and (orientation:landscape){
   p {    }

/* iPhone 5 */
@media only screen
and (max-width: 320px)
and (max-height: 568px)
and (orientation:portrait) {
    p {    }

@media only screen
and (max-height: 320px)
and (max-width: 568px)
and (orientation:landscape){
    p {    }

/* iPhone 6 */
@media only screen
and (min-width: 321px)
and (max-width: 375px)
and (min-height: 569px)
and (max-height: 667px)
and (orientation:portrait) {
    p {    }

@media only screen
and (min-height: 321px)
and (max-height: 375px)
and (min-width: 569px)
and (max-width: 667px)
and (orientation:landscape){
    p {    }

/* iPhone 6 Plus*/
@media only screen
and (min-width: 376px)
and (max-width: 414px)
and (min-height: 668px)
and (max-height: 736px)
and (orientation:portrait) {
    p {    }

@media only screen
and (min-height: 376px)
and (max-height: 414px)
and (min-width: 668px)
and (max-width: 736px)
and (orientation:landscape){
    p {    }

/* iPad*/
@media only screen
and (min-width: 750px)
and (max-width: 768px)
and (min-height: 1000px)
and (max-height: 1024px)
and (orientation:portrait) {
   p {    }

@media only screen
and (min-height: 750px)
and (max-height: 768px)
and (min-width: 1000px)
and (max-width: 1024px)
and (orientation:landscape){
    p {    }

Difference between implode and explode in php

Implode() Function ex:
The implode function is used to "join elements of an array with a string".

The implode() function returns a string from elements of an array. It takes an array of strings and joins them together into one string.
which means "Array to String conversion".
implode (separator , array);
$array = ("s","h","a","n","a","v","a","s");
$ats = implode ("-",$array);
print $ats;
Explode() Function ex:
The explode function is used to "Split a string by a specified string into pieces i.e. it breaks a string into an array".
which means "String to Array conversion".
Syntax:explode (separator,string,limit)
$sta = "This is Shanavas";
print_r(explode(" ",$sta));
Array ([0]=> This [1]=>is [2]=>Shanavas)

Friday, 24 March 2017

Select WooCommerce or OpenCart for e-commerce?


WooCommerce is a plugin for WordPress source code. This is the most widely used plugin in the ecosystem of WordPress.

The advantage of WooCommerce is that it is simple to install, a very popular source code plugin of WordPress, so it is easier to use! It doesn't require any special, just install it.

On WooCommerce, you easily post a product, copy a product and fill out information, everything is very light.

Main functions:

  • Product Category
  • Product Tag
  • Promotional code
  • Cart
  • Exhibition
  • Order Statistics


  • Simple in management and operation
  • There are Woo applications on Iphone and Android
  • Easy development by inheriting the WordPress community
  • Update bug fixes constantly
  • The plugin store and interface are extremely large
  • Free, of course


Besides, there are some disadvantages such as managing the warehouse is a bit difficult. Or not professional because there is no default affiliate. There is also no Email Marketing. All you need is to buy the plugin for sale on the app marketplace.

Also, because of low professionalism, many see confusion between sales and blogging. To me, there is nothing to talk about. But many people do not like the way to decentralize users blogs or sales.

In general, just install WooCommerce is enough, but with sales professionals and want to grow wider,  you must look to OpenCart.


OpenCart is one of the most popular open source eCommerce platforms today. Besides Magento, Opencart is popular with many users too. They also have huge interface repositories and plugins, unlimited expansion modules!

Compared with WooCommerce, Opencart loses on the number of developers. But it's specialized, and not like WordPress, which has a lot of different purposes.

OpenCart owns most of the functionality of an e-commerce site. There are even tools for analyzing customer activity areas and daily order profit statistics.

In general, if you want to be a professional sales website, you can not ignore OpenCart. A professional website using CMS sales doesn't need to install many plug-ins, but are still full of functionality for you to use!


OpenCart has all the necessary functions for a professional sales page. The administration interface is simple and easy to use for newbies!

Application repository is also very rich, modules and plugins are easy for you to expand indefinitely. Also the interface store is also rich. Many developers are involved in the process of designing and selling the interface so you will easily find the right interface for your style!


Configuring the display and configuration of the module is often confusing to beginners.

Fewer filters and hooks than WordPress, the ability to interfere with the system more limited than WordPress.


In general, it is important that you are more familiar with which CMS to develop. All comparisons are lame. If you want more free, easier to edit, then use WooCommerce. If you have good programming skills or do not know programming, you can start with OpenCart. Opencart has all the functionality you need!

Good luck !