Thursday, 16 March 2017

Why You Should Add Live Chat to Your Website ASAP

Why You Should Add Live Chat to Your Website ASAP
As prospects, we've all experienced that horrible sense of disappointment and annoyance when no one's around to address our questions about a product or service that we're keen about.
The same goes for the majority of websites these days. Often, brands and business owners fail to realize that their website is their marketing and sales team rolled into one.
You've probably seen that tiny chat box in some websites and thought of it as a nuisance or may be totally unnecessary. I thought so myself.
But it turns out that I was wrong. Customers who opt for live chat support have the highest satisfaction rate - at 92 percent - than phone, email, or even social media support. Apparently, customers prefer the back-and-forth conversation style of live chat.
The Overlooked Benefits of Live Chat
In terms of sales, live chat is a great benefit in warming up your leads and tackling their objections. Whether it's a first time visitor or a recurring customer, anyone who finds their way to your website is likely to have questions. Your job is to answer these questions as quickly as possible.
By having a live chat feature on your website, it's easier to capture prospects who are unsure and stop them from heading over to your competitor's sites. As a result, the chances are high that you can turn these leads into a happy customer. Plus, by having a live chat feature you can also get great insights into your prospects' major pain points.

Which Live Chat is Right For You?
You'll find a great deal of live chat solutions out there - from free options to paid alternatives - and it can be tad overwhelming if you're starting out from scratch.
To help you get started, check out these three live chat software products that we've picked for you:
A crowd favorite among small businesses and large organizations alike because it's intuitive, easy to set up, and has a highly-responsive support. Pricing starts at $16/month. Try it out for free with their 30-day trial.
Another popular live chat solution because it features powerful analytics and integrates with commonly-used CRM platforms and Help Desk software. Pricing starts at $17/month. Olark offers a 14-day trial.
Aside from its targeted live chat feature, Intercom allows you to continue conversations via email if they leave. You can also filter website visitors through the actions they take while browsing your site. Pricing starts at $49/month. A free platform with limited features is also available.
Your Turn to Implement
If you're done researching for the best live chat tool that perfectly fits your goals and budget, sign up for your software of choice and install it to your site. In most cases, installation is quick and easy. There may be a plugin that you can use or if not, all you need to do is paste a snippet of code in every page where you want the chat box to appear.
You never know - live chat can work wonders for your site and your sales pipeline. Try out one of the solutions we suggested and let us know how it goes after a couple of weeks. We look forward to hearing your comments and thoughts about live chat support!

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

How to Improve SEO Rankings with Google Plus

In our attempts to improve SEO rankings we do miracles and try everything we can think of. Of course, even if we could, it makes no sense to try absolutely everything. What makes the most sense, is to try something that does have great effect on our SEO rankings, yet is not known to everybody and their brother. G+, Google's social network meets these requirements ‐ seems to do miracles for rankings, while most people, (except those who try everything), who do employ social networks for SEO, concentrate their efforts on Facebook because it is more popular than G+. However, it turns out G+ pays more for our efforts than Facebook and the other social networks. Here is why.

Why Google Plus Is Especially Important for SEO

While Google denies any direct relationship between Google Plus content and activity on one hand and SEO rankings on other, very often good ranking sites have good Google Plus activity. While in theory this could be pure coincidence, the results speak for themselves. Here are some reasons why Google Plus is especially important for SEO:
  • Google owns it and no matter if they admit it or not, as empirical evidence shows popularity on Google Plus is a huge factor for good rankings.
  • Some links are dofollow and they help to improve rankings. Not all links are dofollow but unlike on other sites, at least the so called "shared" links (the links under your post) are dofollow, so take advantage of that. Additionally, when you post something interesting that gets reposted, you earn multiple links to the same page.
  • Links from Google Plus get relevant anchor text - the title of the post is the anchor text (which obviously is much better than "Click this", "Here", or other generic anchor texts) and the best is that this anchor text sounds natural and won't hurt your rankings.
  • Ultrafast indexing of all pages is another benefit. While it is true that Google is fast to index any site that gets frequently updated, the advantage of Google Plus over Twitter and Facebook where all or most of the content is hidden from search engines is hard to beat.
As you see, the benefits of Google Plus for SEO are really noticeable. So, even if you are skeptical about the whole this social media hysteria, the case with Google Plus is different and it will pay to give it a try, if you haven't already done so.

How to Use Google Plus to Get Better Rankings

Google Plus isn't very different from any other social site, though it certainly has its specifics. Here are some basic tips how to use Google Plus to the fullest.

1 Join Google Plus/Become Active

Obviously, if you aren't on Google Plus yet, the first step is to join it. This is easy to do and we won't bother with details how to do it. Once you join Google Plus, have a look around to see who of your friends and acquaintances is there, join their circles and add them to yours. You can start posting right away but it's better to first read what other users have posted, comment on it, share it, and only after this start posting.

2 Start Using Google Authorship

Google Authorship is another service from Google you will find on Google Plus that helps you stand out from the crowd. In addition to being a valuable tool to protect your content, it also helps with SEO. When you add your articles under your Google Authorship profile, your name appears in search results. This might not bring you traffic per se but it certainly helps to build your online reputation.

3 Post Good Content

It goes without saying but you need to post good content only. Content with low quality will not only damage your reputation but it might not get noticed at all. On social networks, the benefits come when you are noticed because in this case it is more likely for your content to be shared than poor stuff. So, the basic rule with other social networks applies here as well ‐ it's better not to post any content than to post junk.

4 Spice Your About Page

About pages can be very boring and you might want to skip yours but this is a huge mistake. With Google Plus, About pages are very useful because here you can add links to your sites, your profiles on other social networks, or simply links to pages you find interesting. All this effort is not in vain, so do it.

5 Pay Attention to Your Profile

The About page is not the only element to pay attention to. In addition to it, you need to make your Google Plus profile top-notch. As you probably know from your experience on other social networks, your profile and the information in it is vital for your success there. This is why you need to fill all the relevant information and keep it current.

6 Make Yourself Accessible

Social networks are not for people who are afraid or unwilling to communicate. If you are on a social network, this means you don't want to keep your presence there private but you want to expand your circle of friends, coworkers, and acquaintances. In order to achieve this, you need to make yourself accessible, i.e. easy to add to other users' circles and make your posts public. This might not guarantee your success overnight but when you are accessible and your profile and posts are interesting, this seriously increases your chances to get noticed.

Google Plus is a real jewel for SEO. Though many experts, including Google executives themselves, dispute its advantages, Google Plus has helped many sites achieve good rankings in their niches. Certainly, this is not a guarantee that it will work for you as well but it is worth trying. The wisest you can do is try with one site, for example and see how it works. If Google Plus works for you, then you can expand its use to other sites you optimize. And of course, don't expect miracles ‐ if your other SEO efforts are poor, even Google Plus can't compensate for this.

Saturday, 11 March 2017

Internal backlink building (internal link) in SEO

Internal links influence relatively in SEO. In this article I will introduce the concept along with instructions on how to set your internal links effectively.

What is the Internal link?

Internal links are considered a backlink pointing to other pages on the same site (same domain)

Take a look at your website as a house, the structure of the house have to be good, sustainable, then your home is able to be firm. Similarly, on the website, the site's internal links have to be optimized, then good for SEO, internal links also navigate a user click on a link to the page they are interested, increasing the time users stay on website, affects a lot of SEO, if you want to compete with other competitors, the optimal internal links are not to be missed.

Internal backlink building technique

Here is the experience about internal link building of mine in SEO practices and have good results, hope it will be useful for you

1. Build quality content around the main content

If you want to have many internal links in your site, closely linked, the first thing you have to have is content, more quality content related to the main theme of the website as well. For example, you SEO for websites that sell drugs to lose weight, you need to write the blog post tutorial weight loss, exercise weight loss, weight loss diet, ... As such the more content, you'll more places to put the internal backlink.

So if your website is service website... don't forget to build a blog forum related products, your services.

2. Create multiple internal backlink pages with main keywords

Every site you create are sure to have main keywords, usually, you will SEO keywords for the home page, many of you don't like SEO keyword on the homepage, SEO subpage is okay, though SEO internal backlink the homepage or subpage contain the main keywords will be very good, however:
  • Diversify the anchor text, not always the main keywords.
  • Don't mind about putting internal link homepage but forgetting internal links to other pages, it will help "strengthen the overall SEO", the whole website.
3. Diversify Anchor Text

In order to more friendly internal link with Google, please diversify anchor text, not always anchor text is the keyword need to SEO. BUT anchor text must relate to the content of the pages

For example, you need SEO word "How to SEO", the anchor text could be: SEO course, learn SEO, put keywords on google, ... the anchor text will account for a high percentage. Let's add the natural anchor text like "more", "click here", "homepage", so google will evaluate your site more natural.

4. Set internal links to bring useful information to the reader:

For 1 blog page, there should be a place to set several internal links that you think "users likely click on this information." For example, your internal backlink building as the following picture:

Link like this one leading to another page within your site that provides instructional information about related issues are referred to in the text that the user is reading, there is likely a user is reading your post, not understand the question or that word, it is inserted links see other colors, can click and find out more, the users click through this page after page inside your web page is one good factor about SEO.

5. Building menu on the top of Website.

The menu system is also the internal links for each item of the menu are the main items in the index on your website or on one important content pages, featured on the website. Put menu on the top page will highlight the main theme of the website, helps google understand and appreciate the main content, in addition, the items that users click often is the items they care about. Google will appreciate the links at the top than at the bottom, so put the menu on the top instead of the footer

6. Build internal link at the bottom of the website.

Backlink in the footer isn't being appreciated at the top, but not so that you do not take advantage, let put internal link anchor text to one of the featured content pages on your website. When users finish reading all a post high probability people will scroll down and see something to click, maybe an important information links there.

7. Use reasonable quantities

Internal backlink building is good but it doesn't  mean you insert a page full of internal backlink. Google has recommended that "always keep in 1 pages has a reasonable number link" but no one knows how much is the exact number.

I usually leave 4-5 internal backlink for content about 1000 words (not counting the links in the footer as well as menu, only in the main content). The right answer depends on whether you use but not too much and not too little.

8. Display the navigation bar (breadcrumb)

Navigation (Breadcrumb) is the bar that allows users to know the parent category of the articles they are reading and likely they will click to find articles same category, as you see, it also inherently internal backlink because it points to the category on the same site, so let it show.

Onpage SEO Guide - What Do You Do?

In this article, I will summarize the list of things that you need to do if you want SEO Onpage for the website. Onpage SEO, in general, it consists of many different small steps, easy steps, and difficult.

What is SEO Onpage?

Onpage SEO is a technique in SEO, this is a set of tasks that you have to do to increase the friendliness of your website to enhance the user experience.

If the user experience improves, then google will rank your site higher than your competitors don't do as well as you, and of course, your website ranking on the search results will be increased accordingly.

In this article, I will help you gain the most objective view of the techniques you must do to SEO Onpage, including:

  • Focus on content.
  • Layout of the site, the content is easy to see
  • Set up friendly URLs
  • Keyword distribution properly
  • Use appropriate title
  • Must have read mode for mobile
  • Speed up the website
  • Use link out and internal link
  • Optimize images
  • Use social sharing
  • Extend the time users stay on the page
  • Reduce the Bounce Rate

1. Focus on content.

Want SEO more than your competitors, you must at least equal or exceed them in terms of content." This is the first advice I usually ask you or ask myself about SEO methods.

In most areas, content is always king, if you do good content, you will be confident to deploy many other SEO techniques. If you make bad content, you will have many difficulties.

Readers go to your website for what? - To find the content they need of course. So please provide exactly what they are looking for for the corresponding keywords. You provide a little information, they will hit the back button and go find another page with more information.

Content is the place to build your brand and connect you with customers

2. The layout of the site, the content is easy to see.

An easy-to-view website layout, logical directory layout, neat layout and easy-to-read interface will always impress your readers. I believe with the development of technology, this will not be difficult for you, especially the blogs made with WordPress will have a lot of interfaces available, even if you do not know the code.

You shouldn't use a lot of colors for your website to your site unless you make a blog for children. Increase your professionalism as much as possible by the main colors associated with your brand.

And do not write content "like writing a novel". Learn how to go down the line, clear bibliography, use bold, underline, italic, checkpoint, etc. to help readers easily find what you want to express. They will want to know where the focus, the focus of the article.

If your article isn't clear, users will not want to read your 2nd post.

3. Set up friendly URLs

Long URLs for what? To cram the keyword into the URL, the article will be searched for with different keywords?

No, completely wrong, cramming skills only apply 4-5 years ago, the more time you cram, the more your site will go down. Be as simple as possible, just for a primary keyword to the URL

4. Keyword distribution properly

Remember to distribute properly rather than cramming. Properly include:

  • Keywords are in the title (Should be heading is H1 tag)
  • Keywords are in the URL
  • 1-2 H1 tags, H2 containing the keyword
  • Keywords appear in the first 100 words of the article (1-2 times)
  • Keyword density appears regularly, but not too much (range 0.5 to 1.5% is reasonable).
If you use WordPress, the themes that support SEO they default to the H1 tag as the title. select tags H2, H3 for large items, and sometimes keywords in these tags:

5. Use logical headings.

The title is a key criterion for Google to know what your website is about, the title must not only have the exact keyword needing SEO but also be able to get more clicks on search results or when your website is shared on social networking.

Some of the skills that you need to optimize for title tags include:

  • The length is reasonable, not too short or too long so that it is fully present in the search results
  • The titles on the same website can't overlap
  • The title content should be stimulated to click, but not fool the reader
  • If you do branding, add a brand name to the end of the title so readers will remember your site
Use a number of reasonable methods that have been measured by professionals to outperform normal headings such as:

Read more about How to write headlines that both Google and users can't resist!HERE

  • Title list: 5 ways to make acb ... 10 steps to make xyz ...
  • Title question: How can I abc ...? How to xyz ....
  • Title tutorial: Guide to making abc ..., tips do xyz, ...
6. Must have an interface for mobile.

Using mobile web surfing, information search, shopping is trending and the rate is increasing. Want to follow trends or stay the same?

Most popular WordPress themes that are launched (or upgraded) from 2015 to the present will be optimized for mobile, which means that it has responsive functionality.

However, depending on the interface, you have to review over the phone as appropriate, because after you've written the content when reviewing on the mobile it will display errors in some places, force you to look through the content with your phone, make sure the content displayed well.

In addition, if you do e-commerce sites, online sales should have good technical staff, simplify the ordering process on the phone to create the most convenient for customers.

7. Speed up your website.

More than 50% of US users said they would consider whether to buy or not or move to another site if the site loads slow.

If you can not afford to make a website run super fast then your website shouldn't be too slow (preferably less than 5 seconds)

Some tips aren't so sublime that you can apply when using WordPress, that are:

  • Choose a good, stable hosting provider
  • Use simple interfaces that are optimized for SEO
  • Do not install too many plugins, for any plugin that slows down your page, consider removing it.
  • Optimize images as lightly as possible and at the right size
  • Use caching with W3 Total Cache or WP Rocket.
8. Use linkout and internal link.

The SEO experts all claim that if you put the link to the article related to content, google can better know what your website content is and rank you with higher ranking sites with the same content. But no linkout.

Linkouts are links pointing to other websites or citing relevant material that you want readers to find out about external sources.

The internal link is a link pointing to another article on your site, below this for example:

Here are some tips: Only place links and internal links at locations where readers are looking for more information or wanting to source them.

9. Optimize images.

In part 7, I mentioned the reduction of image size and reasonable image size to speed up the page load. In addition to this, you should also name the image corresponding to the content in question.

For example, this article is about the SEO Onpage guide, the featured image of this article I can set is guide-onpage.jpg and the alt attribute of the image is guide-seo-onpage.

The image or video it is also content, so you optimize the google to understand more about the content you are talking about. Additionally, you may occasionally find that your website has a visit coming from Google Image.

As for the content of the image, it is best to create your own images, do not download photos online. Many people find it difficult to do this because they don't produce photos. However, the more photos you make, the more self-generated your content is. Because google always appreciates the "UNIQUE" criteria in the content.

Self-shooting or creating images is difficult, but if you do, it will be very good. I'm trying to optimize this. In addition, infographics are considered to be capable of extending the user experience on the page quite well.

10. Use the share button on the page.

Everybody liked the quickness, users are looking to share your article to individual pages to save or share the others read that have to copy the link and paste it manually rather inconvenient.

The share button will optimize this, as you can see most news sites, blogs have share button

If you use AddThis will have a share button like this blog:

11. Extend the time users stay on the page.

Time on the page is a criterion Google SEO, the site has a high average page time, the page content is good (good content => stay long).

It's not a simple matter to extend the length of time that a user stays on the page. The three most important things are:

  • The article must be long enough (1000 words or more recommended) and quality
  • There are infographics as possible (users like to read content like this)
  • There are videos as well (users like to watch rather than read)
There are also many other factors

  • User-friendly interface, easy to read
  • Put local links
  • Giving gifts to readers
12. Decrease Bounce Rate

Bounce Rate is the rate of escape after readers read only one article on your site and exit without reading any other articles.

The higher the ratio, the worse the quality of your website, and you have to find a way for readers to click on other articles and continue reading. This skill is not easy, it depends on your ability is quite high, but there are simple ways that you can do is simple:

  • Set the read article widget and related articles on the right and the bottom of the posts.
  • Put internal links at the climax, readers are likely to want to learn more
  • Create menu and footer clearly.
  • Create tables/buttons that lead to the main article on your page.
Conclusion :

Onpage optimization is a long-term affair, you must always improve the quality of your website, from interface to content, to the other little things through each stage of development.

This Onpage SEO tutorial is like a checklist of the work you need to do to improve your Onpage SEO for the best website/blog, you can save/share and retrieve it when needed.