Thursday 27 October 2016


Ionic Tutorial

Ionic is open source framework used for developing mobile applications. It provides tools and services for building mobile UI with native look and feel. Ionic framework needs native wrapper to be able to run on mobile devices.

Ionic - Overview

Ionic is front end HTML framework built on top of AngularJS and Cordova. As per official document following is the definition of the Ionic Framework:
Ionic is an HTML5 mobile app development framework targeted at building hybrid mobile apps. Think of Ionic as the front-end UI framework that handles all the look and feel and UI interactions your app needs in order to be compelling. Kind of like "Bootstrap for Native," but with support for a broad range of common native mobile components, slick animations, and beautiful design.

Ionic Framework Features

Following are the most important features of Ionic:
  • AngularJS
    Ionic is using AngularJS MVC architecture for building rich single page applications optimized for mobile devices.
  • CSS components
    With native look and feel, these components offer almost all elements that mobile application needs. Components default styling can be easily overridden to accommodate your own design.
  • JavaScript components
    These components are extending CSS components with JavaScript functionalities to cover all mobile elements that can't be done only with HTML and CSS.
  • Cordova Plugins
    Apache Cordova plugins offer API needed for using native device functions with JavaScript code.
  • Ionic CLI
    This is NodeJS utility powered with commands for starting, building, running and emulating Ionic applications.
  • Ionic View
    Very useful platform for uploading, sharing and testing your application on native devices.
  • Licence
    Ionic is released under MIT license.

Ionic Framework Advantages

  • Ionic is used for hybrid app development. This means that you can package your applications for IOS, Android, Windows Phone and Firefox OS which can save you a lot of working time.
  • Starting your app is very easy since Ionic provides useful pre-generated app setup with simple layouts.
  • The apps are built in very clean and modular way, so it's very maintainable and easy to update.
  • Ionic developers team have very good relationship with google developers team and they are working together to improve the framework. The updates are coming out regularly and Ionic support group is always willing to help when needed.

Ionic Framework Limitations

  • Testing can be tricky since browser doesn't always give you right information about the phone enviroment. There is so many different devices and platforms and you usually need to cover most of them.
  • It can be hard to combine different native functionalities. Lot of time you will run into plugin compatibility issues, which leads to build errors hard to debug.
  • Hybrid apps tend to be slower than the native ones, but since the mobile technologies are improving fast this will not be an issue in the near future.

Ionic - Environment Setup

This chapter will show you how to start with Ionic framework. There are following components needed to start with Ionic:
1NodeJSThis is the base platform needed to create Mobile Apps using Ionic. You can find detail on NodeJS installation in our NodeJS Environment Setup. Make sure you also install npm while installing NodeJs.
2Android SDKIf you are going to work on Windows platform and developing your apps for Android platform then you should have Android SDK setup on your machine. Here is the detail on Android Environment Setup.
3XCodeIf you are going to work on Mac platform and developing your apps for iOS platform then you should have xCode setup on your machine. Here is the detail on iOS Environment Setup.
4Coradova and IonicThese are the main SDKs which is needed to start working with Ionic. This chapter explains how to setup Ionic in simple step assuming you already have required setup as explained in above steps.

Installing Cordova and Ionic

We will use windows command prompt for this tutorial. The same steps can be applied to OSX terminal. Open your command window to install Cordova and Ionic:
C:\Users\Username> npm install -g cordova ionic

Creating Apps

While creating your app, you can choose from 3 options to start:
  • Tabs App:
  • Blank App:
  • Side menu app
In your command window open the folder where you want to create your app and try one of the options mentioned below.

Tabs App

If you want to use Ionic tabs template your app will be built with tab menu, header and couple of useful screens and functionalities. This is default Ionic template. Open your command window and choose where you want to create your app.
C:\Users\Username> cd Desktop
This command will change working directory. Our app will be created on Desktop.
C:\Users\Username\Desktop> ionic start myApp tabs
Ionic Start command will create folder named myApp and setup Ionic files and folders.
C:\Users\Username\Desktop> cd myApp
Now we want to access myApp folder that we just created. This is our root folder.
Now let's add Cordova project for android Platform and install basic cordova plugins. This step allows us to run the app on Android emulator or device.
C:\Users\Username\Desktop\myApp> ionic platform add android
Next let's build our app. If you have building errors after running following command you probably didn't install android SDK and its dependencies. Head on to our android tutorial and follow the steps shown there.
C:\Users\Username\Desktop\myApp> ionic build android
The last step of the installation process is to run your app which will start the mobile device if connected or default emulator if there is no device connected. Android default emulator is slow so I suggest you to install Genymotion or some other popular Android emulator.
C:\Users\Username\Desktop\myApp> ionic run android
This will produce below result which is an Ionic Tabs App.
Ionic Tabs App

Blank App

If you want to start from scratch you can install Ionic blank template. We will use the same steps we explained above with the addition of ionic start myApp blank instead of ionic start myApp tabs.
C:\Users\Username\Desktop> ionic start myApp blank
Ionic Start command will create folder named myApp and setup Ionic files and folders.
C:\Users\Username\Desktop> cd myApp
Let's add Cordova project for android Platform and install basic cordova plugins as explained above.
C:\Users\Username\Desktop\myApp>ionic platform add android
Next let's build our app:
C:\Users\Username\Desktop\myApp> ionic build android
Finally we will start the App as follows:
C:\Users\Username\Desktop\myApp> ionic run android
This will produce below result which is an Ionic Blank App.
Ionic Blank App

Side Menu App

Third template that you can use is side menu template. The steps are the same as the previous two templates, we will just add sidemenu when starting our app.
C:\Users\Username\Desktop> ionic start myApp sidemenu
Ionic Start command will create folder named myApp and setup Ionic files and folders.
C:\Users\Username\Desktop> cd myApp
Let's add Cordova project for android Platform and install basic cordova plugins as explained above.
C:\Users\Username\Desktop\myApp> ionic platform add android
Next let's build our app:
C:\Users\Username\Desktop\myApp> ionic build android
Finally we will start the App as follows:
C:\Users\Username\Desktop\myApp> ionic run android
This will produce below result which is an Ionic Side Menu App.
Ionic Side Menu App

Test App in Browser

Since we are working with JavaScript you can serve your app on any web browser. This will speed up your building process but you should always test your app on native emulators and devices. Type the following to serve your app on web browser.
C:\Users\Username\Desktop\myApp> ionic serve
The above command will open your app in web browser. Google chrome provides device mode functionality for mobile development testing. Press F12to access developer console.Ionic Side Menu App
The top left corner of the console window click has "Toggle device mode" icon. Next you need to click "Dock to right" icon in top right corner. Refresh the page and you should be ready for testing on web browser.

Project Folder Structure

Ionic creates the following directory structure for all type of apps. This is really important for Ionic developer to understand the purpose of every directory and file mentioned below:

Let's have a quick look into every folders and files available in the above mentioned project folder structure:
  • hooks
    Hooks are scripts that can be triggered during build process. They are usualy used for Cordova commands customisation and for building automated processes. We will not use this folder during this tutorial.
  • platforms
    This is the folder where Android and IOS projects are created. You might encounter some platform specific problems during developement that will require these files but you should leave them intact most of the time.
  • plugins
    This folder contains Cordova plugins. When you initially create Ionic app some of the plugins will be installed. We will show you how to install Cordova plugins in some of our next chapters.
  • resources
    This folder is used for adding resources like icon and splash screen to your project.
  • scss
    Since Ionic core is built with Sass this is the folder where your Sass file is located. For simplicity we will not use Sass for this tutorial. Our styling will be done using CSS.
  • www
    Www is main working folder for Ionic developers. You will spend most of your time here. Ionic gives us their default folder structure inside 'www' but you can always change it to acommodate your own needs. When you open this folder you will find:
    • css folder where you will write your CSS styling.
    • img for images.
    • js contains apps main configuration file (app.js) and AngularJS components (controllers, services, directives). All of your Javascript code will be inside these folders.
    • libs are where your libraries will be placed.
    • templates for your HTML files.
    • index.html as a starting point to your app.
  • Other files
    Since this is beginners tutorial, we will just mention some of the other files and their purpose.
    • .bowerrc is bower configuration file.
    • .editorconfig is editor configuration file.
    • .gitignore is used to instruct what part of the app should be ignored when you want to push your app to Git repository.
    • bower.json will contain bower components and dependencies if you choose to use bower package manager.
    • gulpfile.js is used for creating automated tasks using gulp task manager.
    • config.xml is Cordova configuration file.
    • package.json contains information about the app, dependencies and plugins that are installed using NPM package manager.

Ionic - Colors

Before we start with actual elements avilable in Ionic framework, let's have a little understanding on how Ionic makes use of colors for different elements.
Ionic framework gives us set of nine predefined color classes. You can use these colors or you can override it with your own styling.
Following list shows default set of 9 colors provided by Ionic. We will use these colors for styling different Ionic elements in our next tutorials. For now you can check all the colors below:

Ionic Color Classes

lightTo be used for white color
stableTo be used for light grey color
positiveTo be used for blue color
calmTo be used for light blue color
balancedTo be used for green color
energizedTo be used for yellow color
assertiveTo be used for red color
royalTo be used for violet color
darkTo be used for black color

Ionic Color Usage

Ionic makes use of different classes for each element. For example a header element will have bar class and a button will have button class. To simplify the usage, we use different colors by prefixing element class in a color name.
For example to create a blue color header we will use a bar-calm as follows:
<div class="bar bar-header bar-calm">
Similarly to create a grey color button we will use button-stable class as follows.
<div class="button button-stable">
You can also use Ionic color class like any other CSS class. We will style two paragraphs below with balanced (green) and energized (yellow) color.
<p class="balanced">Paragraph 1...</p>
<p class="energized">Paragraph 2...</p>
This will produce following result:
Ionic Colors
You will see the detail in coming chapters when we will create different elements using different classes.

Customizing Colors with CSS

When you want to change some of the Ionic default colors using CSS, you can do it by editing lib/css/ionic.css file. In some cases this approach isn't very productive because every element (header, button, footer...) use its own classes for styling. So if you want to change color of the "light" class to orange, you would need to search through all of the elements that use this class and change it. This is useful when you want to change color of a single element, but not very practical for changing color of all elements because it would use too much time.

Customizing colors using SASS

SASS provides easier way to change color for all elements at once. If you want to use SASS open your project in command window and type:
C:\Users\Username\Desktop\tutorialApp> ionic setup sass
This will set up SASS for your project. Now you can change default colors if you open scss/ file and type the following before this line @import "www/lib/ionic/scss/ionic";. We will change balanced color to dark blue, and energized color to orange. Two paragraphs we used above are now dark blue and orange.
$balanced: #000066 !default;
$energized: #FFA500 !default;
Now if you use following example:
<p class="balanced">Paragraph 1...</p>
<p class="energized">Paragraph 2...</p>
This will produce following result:
Ionic Colors SCCS
All of the Ionic elements that are using these classes will change to dark blue and orange. Take into consideration that you don't need to use Ionic default colors classes. You can always style elements the way you want.

Important Note

www/css/style.css file will be removed from the header of the index.html after you install SASS. You will need to link it manually if you still want to use it. Open your index.html and add the following code inside the header.
<link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet">

Ionic - Header

Ionic header bar is located on top of the screen. It can contain title, icons, buttons or some other elements on top of it. There are predefined classes of headers that you can use. You can check all of it in this tutorial.

Adding Header

The main class for all the bars you might use in your app is bar. This class will always be applied to all the bars in your app. All bar subclasses will use prefix bar.
If you want to create header you need to add bar-header after your main barclass. Open your www/index.html file and add header class inside your bodytag. We are adding header to index.html body because we want it to be available on every screen in the app.
Since bar-header class has default (white) styling applied we will add title on top of it so you can differentiate it from the rest of your screen.
<div class="bar bar-header">
   <h1 class="title">Header</h1>
Above code will produce following screen:
Ionic Header

Header Colors

If you want to style your header you just need to add appropriate color class to it. When you style your elements you need to add your main element class as prefix to your color class. Since we are styling header bar, the prefix class will be bar and color class that we want to use in this example is positive (blue).
<div class="bar bar-header bar-positive">
   <h1 class="title">Header</h1>
Above code will produce following screen:
Ionic Header Color
You can use either of the following nine classes to give a color of your choice to your app header:
Color ClassDescriptionResult
bar-lightTo be used for white color
bar-stableTo be used for light grey color
bar-positiveTo be used for blue color
bar-calmTo be used for light blue color
bar-balancedTo be used for green color
bar-energizedTo be used for yellow color
bar-assertiveTo be used for red color
bar-royalTo be used for violet color
bar-darkTo be used for black color

Header Elements

We can add other elements inside the header. Following is an example to add menu button and home button inside a header. We will also add icons on top of our header buttons.
<div class="bar bar-header bar-positive">
   <button class="button icon ion-navicon"></button>
      <h1 class="title">Header Buttons</h1>
   <button class="button icon ion-home"></button>
Above code will produce following screen:
Ionic Header Buttons

Sub Header

You can create a sub header which will be located just below the header bar. Following example is showing how to add header and sub header to your app. Here we have styled Sub header is with "assertive" (red) color class.
<div class="bar bar-header bar-positive">
   <button class="button icon ion-navicon"></button>
      <h1 class="title">Header Buttons</h1>
   <button class="button icon ion-home"></button>

<div class="bar bar-subheader bar-assertive">
   <h2 class="title">Sub Header</h2>
Above code will produce following screen:
Ionic Sub Header
When your route is changed to any of the app screens you will notice that header and sub header are covering some of the content as shown below.
Ionic Hidden Content
To fix this you need to add has-header or has-subheader class to the ion-content tags of your screens. Open one of your HTML files from www/templates and add has-subheader class to ion-content. If you only use header in your app you will need to add has-header class instead.
<ion-content class="padding has-subheader">
Above code will produce following screen:
Ionic Sub Header

Ionic - Content

Almost every mobile app contains some fundamental elements. Usualy those elements include header and footer that will cover top and bottom part of the screen. All the other elements will be placed between those two. Ionic provide ion-content element that serves as a containiner that will wrap all the other elements that we want to create.

Ionic - Footer

Ionic footer is placed at the bottom of the app screen. Working with footers is almost the same as working with headers.

Adding Footer

The main class for Ionic footers is bar (the same as header). When you want to add footer to your screens you need to add bar-footer class to your element after the main bar class. Since we want to use our footer on every screen in the app, we will add it to the body of the index.html file. We will also add title for our footer.
<div class="bar bar-footer">
   <h1 class="title">Footer</h1>
Above code will produce following screen:
Ionic Footer

Footer Colors

If you want to style your footer you just need to add appropriate color class to it. When you style your elements you need to add your main element class as prefix to your color class. Since we are styling footer bar, the prefix class will be bar and color class that we want to use in this example is assertive (red).
<div class="bar bar-footer bar-assertive">
   <h1 class="title">Footer</h1>
Above code will produce following screen:
Ionic Footer Color
You can use either of the following nine classes to give a color of your choice to your app footer:
Color ClassDescriptionResult
bar-lightTo be used for white color
bar-stableTo be used for light grey color
bar-positiveTo be used for blue color
bar-calmTo be used for light blue color
bar-balancedTo be used for green color
bar-energizedTo be used for yellow color
bar-assertiveTo be used for red color
bar-royalTo be used for violet color
bar-darkTo be used for black color

Footer Elements

Footers can contain elements inside it. Most of the time you will need to add buttons with icons inside a footer.
The first button added will always be in the left corner. The last one will be placed on the right. The buttons in between will be grouped next to the first one on the left side of your footer. In following example you can also notice that we use icon class to add icons on top of the buttons.
<div class="bar bar-footer bar-assertive">
   <button class="button icon ion-navicon"></button>
   <button class="button icon ion-home"></button>
   <button class="button icon ion-star"></button>
   <button class="button icon ion-checkmark-round"></button>
Above code will produce following screen:
Ionic Footer Icons
If you want to move your button to the right you can add pull-right class.
<div class="bar bar-footer bar-assertive">
   <button class="button icon ion-navicon pull-right"></button>
Above code will produce following screen:

Ionic - Buttons

There are several types of buttons in Ionic Framework and all of the buttons are subtly animated which enhances user experience when using your app. Main class for all button types is button. This class will always be applied to our buttons, and we will also use it as prefix when working with sub classes.

Block Buttons

Block buttons will always have 100% width of their parent container. They will also have small padding applied. You will use button-block class for adding block buttons. If you want to remove padding but keep full width, you can use button-full class.
Following is the example to show the usage of both classes:
<button class="button button-block">

<button class="button button-full">
Above code will produce following screen:
Ionic Button

Button Size

There are two Ionic classes for changing button size: button-small and button-large. Following is the example to show the usage:
<button class="button button-small">

<button class="button button-large">
Above code will produce following screen:
Ionic Button

Button Colors

If you want to style your button you just need to add appropriate color class to it. When you style your elements you need to add your main element class as prefix to your color class. Since we are styling footer bar, the prefix class will be bar and color class that we want to use in this example is assertive (red).
<button class="button button-assertive">
Above code will produce following screen:
Ionic Button Color
You can use either of the following nine classes to give a color of your choice to your app buttons:
Color ClassDescriptionResult
button-lightTo be used for white color
button-stableTo be used for light grey color
button-positiveTo be used for blue color
button-calmTo be used for light blue color
button-balancedTo be used for green color
button-energizedTo be used for yellow color
button-assertiveTo be used for red color
button-royalTo be used for violet color
button-darkTo be used for black color

Button Outline

If you want your buttons transparent you can apply button-outline class. Buttons with this class will have outline border and transparent background.
To remove border from button you can use button-clear class. The example below shows how to use these two classes.
<button class="button button-assertive button-outline">

<button class="button button-assertive button-clear">
Above code will produce following screen:
Ionic Button Outline

Adding Icons

When you want to add Icons to your buttons, the best way is to use icon class. You can place icon on one side of the button by using icon-left or icon-right. You will usually want to move your icon to one side when you have some text on top of your button as showed below.
<button class="button icon ion-home">

<button class="button icon icon-left ion-home">

<button class="button icon icon-right ion-home">
Above code will produce following screen:
Ionic Button Icons

Button Bar

If you want to group couple of buttons together you can use button-bar class. The buttons will have equal size by default.
<div class="button-bar">
   <a class="button button-positive">1</a>
   <a class="button button-assertive">2</a>
   <a class="button button-energized">3</a>
   <a class="button">4</a>
Above code will produce following screen:

Ionic - Lists

Lists are one of the most popular elements of any web or mobile application. They are usually used for displaying various information. They can be combined with other HTML elements for creating different menus, tabs or just to break the monotony of pure text files. Ionic framework offers different list types to make their usage easy.

Creating Ionic List

Every list is created with two elements. When you want to create basic list your <ul> tag needs to have list class assigned, and your <li> tag will use itemclass. Intersting thing is also that you don't even need to use <ul><ol> and <li> tags for your lists. You can use any other elements, but important thing is to add list and item classes appropriately.
<div class="list">
   <div class="item">Item 1</div>
   <div class="item">Item 2</div>
   <div class="item">Item 3</div>
Above code will produce following screen:
Ionic Lists

Inset List

When you need a list to fill your own container, you can add list-inset after your list class. This will add some margin to it and it will adjust list size to your container.
<div class="list list-inset">
   <div class="item">Item 1</div>
   <div class="item">Item 2</div>
   <div class="item">Item 3</div>
Above code will produce following screen:
Ionic Lists Inset

Item Dividers

Dividers are used for organizing some elements into logical groups. Ionic gives us item-divider class for this. Again, like with all the other Ionic elements we just need to add item-divider class after the item class. Item dividers are usefull as a list headers since they have stronger styling then other list items by default.
<div class="list">
   <div class="item item-divider">Item Divider 1</div>
   <div class="item">Item 1</div>
   <div class="item">Item 2</div>
   <div class="item">Item 3</div>

   <div class="item item-divider">Item Divider 2</div>
   <div class="item">Item 4</div>
   <div class="item">Item 5</div>
   <div class="item">Item 6</div>
Above code will produce following screen:
Ionic item divider

Adding Icons

We already showed you how to add icons to your buttons. When adding icons to list items you need to choose what side you want to place them. There are item-icon-left and item-icon-right classes for this. You can also combine those two classes if you want to have your Icons on both sides. Finally there is item-note class to add text note to your item.
<div class="list">
   <div class="item item-icon-left">
      <i class="icon ion-home"></i>
      Left side Icon

   <div class="item item-icon-right">
      <i class="icon ion-star"></i>
      Right side Icon

   <div class="item item-icon-left item-icon-right">
      <i class="icon ion-home"></i>
      <i class="icon ion-star"></i>
      Both sides Icons
   <div class="item item-icon-left">
      <i class="icon ion-home"></i>
      <span class="text-note">Text note</span>
Above code will produce following screen:
Ionic item icons

Adding Avatars and Thumbnails

Avatars and thumbnails are similiar. The main difference is that avatars are smaller then thumbnails. Thumbnails are covering most of the full height of the list item while avatars are medium sized circle images. The classes that are used are item-avatar and item-thumbnail.. You can also chose what side you want to place your avatars and thumbnails as shown in thumbnail code example below.
<div class="list">
   <div class="item item-avatar">
      <img src="my-image.png">

   <div class="item item-thumbnail-left">
      <img src="my-image.png">
Above code will produce following screen:

Ionic - Cards

Since mobile devices have smaller screen size, cards are one of the best elements for displaying information that will feel user friendly. In our last tutorial we showed you inset lists. Cards are very similiar to inset lists but they offer some additional shadowing that can influence performance for larger lists.

Adding Cards

Default card can be created by adding card class to your element. Cards are usually formed as lists with item class. Usefull class is item-text-wrap. This will help when you have too much text so you want to wrap it inside your card. First card in example below doesn't have item-text-wrap class assigned and the second one is using it.
<div class="card">
   <div class="item">
      This is a Ionic card without item-text-wrap class.
   <div class="item item-text-wrap">
      This is a Ionic card with item-text-wrap class.
Above code will produce following screen:
Ionic Cards

Card Header and Footer

We already showed you how you can use item-divider class for grouping lists. This class can be very usefull when working with cards to create card headers. The same class can be used for footers as follows:
<div class="card list">
   <div class="item item-divider">
      Card header
   <div class="item item-text-wrap">
      Card text...
   <div class="item item-divider">
      Card Footer
Above code will produce following screen:
Ionic Card Elements

Complete Card

You can add any element on top of your card. In following example we will show you how to use full-image class together with item-body to get good looking windowed image inside your card.
<div class="card">
   <div class="item item-avatar">
      <img src="my-image.png">
      <h2>Card Name</h2>

   <div class="item item-body">
      <img class="full-image" src="my-image.png">
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eget pharetra tortor. Proin quis eros imperdiet, facilisis nisi in, tincidunt orci. Nam tristique elit massa, quis faucibus augue finibus ac.
Above code will produce following screen:
Ionic Complete Card

Ionic - Forms

Ionic forms are mostly used for interaction with users and collecting needed info. This tutorial will cover various text input forms and in our next tutorials we will explain how to use other form elements using Ionic framework.

Using Input Form

The best way to use forms is to use list and item as your main classes. Your app will usually consist more then one form element so it make sence to organize it as a list. In the following example you can notice that item element is label tag.
You can use any other element but label will provide ability to tap on any part of the element to focus your text input. You can set placeholder that will look different then the input text and it will be hidden as soon as you start typing. You can see this in example below.
<div class="list">
   <label class="item item-input">
   <input type="text" placeholder="Placeholder 1">

   <label class="item item-input">
   <input type="text" placeholder="Placeholder 2">
Above code will produce following screen:
Ionic Form Input

Ionic Labels

Ionic offers some other options for your label. You can use input-label class if you want your placeholder to be on the left side when you type text
<div class="list">
   <label class="item item-input">
   <input type="text" placeholder="Placeholder 1">

   <label class="item item-input">
   <input type="text" placeholder="Placeholder 2">
Above code will produce following screen:
Ionic Input label

Stacked Label

Stacked label is the other option that allows moving your label on top or the bottom of the input. To achieve this we will add item-stacked-label class to our label element and we need to create new element and assign input-labelclass to it.
If we want it to be on top we just need to add this element before input tag. This is shown in our example below. Notice that the span tag is before inputtag. If we changed their places it would appear below it on screen.
<div class="list">
   <label class="item item-input item-stacked-label">
   <span class="input-label">Label 1</span>
   <input type="text" placeholder="Placeholder 1">

   <label class="item item-input item-stacked-label">
   <span class="input-label">Label 2</span>
   <input type="text" placeholder="Placeholder 2">
Above code will produce following screen:
Ionic stacked label

Floating Label

Floating labels are third option we can use. These labels will be hidden before we start typing. As soon the typing starts they will appear on top of the element with nice floating animation. We can use floating labels the same way as we used stacked labels. The only difference is that this time we will use item-floating-label class.
<div class="list">
   <label class="item item-input item-floating-label">
   <span class="input-label"t>Label 1</span>
   <input type="text" placeholder="Placeholder 1">

   <label class="item item-input item-floating-label">
   <span class="input-label">Label 2</span>
   <input type="text" placeholder="Placeholder 2">
Above code will produce following screen:
Ionic floating label

Inset inputs

In our last tutorials we showed how to inset Ionic elements. You can also inset an input by adding item-input-inset class to your item and item-input-wrapper to your label. Wrapper will add aditional styling to your label.
If you add some other elements next to your label the label size will adjust to accomodate the new element. You can also add elements inside your label (usually icon).
Example below shows two inset inputs. The first one have button next to the label, and the second one has icon inside. We used placeholder-icon class to make the icon the same color as the placeholder text. Without it the icon would use the color of the label.
<div class="list">
   <div class="item item-input-inset">
      <label class="item item-input-wrapper">  
      <input type="text" placeholder="Placeholder 1">
      <button class="button">button</button>

   <div class="item item-input-inset">
      <label class="item item-input-wrapper">
      <i class="icon ion-edit placeholder-icon"></i>
      <input type="text" placeholder="Placeholder 2">
Above code will produce following screen:
Ionic inset input

Ionic - Toggle

Sometimes there are two options available for users to choose from. The most efficient way to handle this situations are toggle forms. Ionic gives us classes for toggle elements that are animated and easy to implement.

Using Toggle

Toggle can be implemented using two Ionic classes. First we need to create label for the same reason we explained in last tutorial and assign toggle class to it. Inside our label will be created . You will notice two more ionic classes used in the example below. track class will add background styling to our checkbox and color animation when toggle is tapped. handle class is used to add circle button to it.
This example shows two toggle forms. The first one is checked, the second one isn't.
 <label class="toggle">
     <input type="checkbox">
     <div class="track">
         <div class="handle"></div>


 <label class="toggle">
     <input type="checkbox">
     <div class="track">
         <div class="handle"></div>
Above code will produce following screen:
Ionic Toggle

Multiple Toggles

Most of the time when you want to add more then one element of the same kind in Ionic, the best way is to use list items. The class that is used for multiple toggles is item-toggle. The next example showes how to create list with for toggles. First one and the second one are checked.
 <ul class="list">

     <li class="item item-toggle">
         Toggle 1
         <label class="toggle">
             <input type="checkbox">
             <div class="track">
                 <div class="handle"></div>

     <li class="item item-toggle">
         Toggle 2
         <label class="toggle">
             <input type="checkbox">
             <div class="track">
                 <div class="handle"></div>

     <li class="item item-toggle">
         Toggle 3
         <label class="toggle">
             <input type="checkbox">
             <div class="track">
                 <div class="handle"></div>

     <li class="item item-toggle">
         Toggle 4
         <label class="toggle">
             <input type="checkbox">
             <div class="track">
                 <div class="handle"></div>
Above code will produce following screen:
Ionic Toggle List

Styling Toggle

All Ionic color classes can be applyed to toggle element. Prefix will be toggle. We will apply this to label element. below example shows all the colors applied.
 <ul class="list">

     <li class="item item-toggle">
         Toggle Light
         <label class="toggle  toggle-light">
             <input type="checkbox">
             <div class="track">
                 <div class="handle"></div>

     <li class="item item-toggle">
         Toggle Stable
         <label class="toggle toggle-stable">
             <input type="checkbox">
             <div class="track">
                 <div class="handle"></div>

     <li class="item item-toggle">
         Toggle Positiv>
         <label class="toggle toggle-positive">
             <input type="checkbox">
             <div class="track">
                 <div class="handle"></div>

     <li class="item item-toggle">
         Toggle Calm
         <label class="toggle toggle-calm">
             <input type="checkbox">
             <div class="track">
                 <div class="handle"></div>

     <li class="item item-toggle">
         Toggle Balanced
         <label class="toggle toggle-balanced">
             <input type="checkbox">
             <div class="track">
                 <div class="handle"></div>

     <li class="item item-toggle">
         Toggle Energized
         <label class="toggle toggle-energized">
             <input type="checkbox">
             <div class="track">
                 <div class="handle"></div>

     <li class="item item-toggle">
         Toggle Assertive
         <label class="toggle toggle-assertive">
             <input type="checkbox">
             <div class="track">
                 <div class="handle"></div>

     <li class="item item-toggle">
         Toggle Royal
         <label class="toggle  toggle-royal">
             <input type="checkbox">
             <div class="track">
                 <div class="handle"></div>

     <li class="item item-toggle">
         Toggle Dark
         <label class="toggle toggle-dark">
             <input type="checkbox">
             <div class="track">
                 <div class="handle"></div>
Above code will produce following screen:
Ionic Toggle Color

Ionic - Checkbox

Ionic checkbox is almost the same as toggle. The two are styled differently but are used for the same purposes.

Adding Checkbox

When creating checkbox form you need to add checkbox class name to both label and input elements. Example below shows two simple checkboxes, one is checked and the other is not.
<label class="checkbox">
   <input type="checkbox">

<label class="checkbox">
   <input type="checkbox">
Above code will produce following screen:
Ionic checkbox

Multiple Checkboxes

As we already showed, the list will be used for any multiple elements. Now we will use item-checkbox class for each list item.
<ul class="list">
<li class="item item-checkbox">
   Checbox 1
   <label class="checkbox">
   <input type="checkbox">

<li class="item item-checkbox">
   Checkbox 2
   <label class="checkbox">
   <input type="checkbox">

<li class="item item-checkbox">
   Checkbox e
   <label class="checkbox">
   <input type="checkbox">

<li class="item item-checkbox">
   Checkbox 4
   <label class="checkbox">
   <input type="checkbox">

Above code will produce following screen:
Ionic checkbox List

Styling Checkbox

When you want to style checkbox you need to apply any Ionic color class with checkbox prefix. Check example below to see how it looks like. We will use list of checkboxes for this example.
<ul class="list">
<li class="item item-checkbox checkbox-light">
   Checbox 1
   <label class="checkbox">
   <input type="checkbox">

<li class="item item-checkbox checkbox-stable">
   Checkbox 2
   <label class="checkbox">
   <input type="checkbox">

<li class="item item-checkbox  checkbox-positive">
   Checkbox 3
   <label class="checkbox">
   <input type="checkbox">

<li class="item item-checkbox  checkbox-calm">
Checkbox 4
<label class="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox">

<li class="item item-checkbox  checkbox-balanced">
   Checkbox 5
   <label class="checkbox">
   <input type="checkbox">

<li class="item item-checkbox  checkbox-energized">
   Checkbox 6
   <label class="checkbox">
   <input type="checkbox">

<li class="item item-checkbox  checkbox-assertive">
   Checkbox 7
   <label class="checkbox">
   <input type="checkbox">

<li class="item item-checkbox  checkbox-royal">
   Checkbox 8
   <label class="checkbox">
   <input type="checkbox">

<li class="item item-checkbox  checkbox-dark">
   Checkbox 9
   <label class="checkbox">
   <input type="checkbox">

Above code will produce following screen:
Ionic checkbox Color

Ionic - Radio Button

Radio buttons are another form elements that we will be covering. The difference between radio buttons from toggle and checkbox forms is that when using former you choose only one radio button from the list. The later allows you to choose more then one.

Adding Radio Buttons

Since there will always be more then one radio button to choose from, the best way is to create list. We did this whenever we wanted multiple elements. The list item class will be item-radio. Again we will use label for this as with all the other forms. Input will have name attribute. This attribute will group all the buttons that you want to use as possible choice. This can be any name you want. item-content class is used to display options clearly. At the end we will use radio-icon class to add checkmark icon that will be used to mark option that user choosed.
In our example below there are four radio buttons, and the second one is chosen.
<div class="list">

   <label class="item item-radio">
      <input type="radio" name="group1">
      <div class="item-content">
         Choice 1
      <i class="radio-icon ion-checkmark"></i>

   <label class="item item-radio">
      <input type="radio" name="group1">
      <div class="item-content">
         Choice 2
      <i class="radio-icon ion-checkmark"></i>

   <label class="item item-radio">
      <input type="radio" name="group1">
      <div class="item-content">
         Choice 3
      <i class="radio-icon ion-checkmark"></i>

   <label class="item item-radio">
      <input type="radio" name="group1">
      <div class="item-content">
         Choice 4
      <i class="radio-icon ion-checkmark"></i>

Above code will produce following screen:
Ionic Radio Button

Multiple Radio Button Groups

Sometimes you want to create more then one group to choose from. This is what the name attribute is for. Next example will group first two and the last two buttons as two option gropups.
We will use item-divider class to separate two groups. Notice that the first group has name attribute equal to group1 and the secon one use group2.
<div class="list">
   <div class=" item item-divider">

   <label class="item item-radio">
      <input type="radio" name="group1">
      <div class="item-content">
         Choice 1
      <i class="radio-icon ion-checkmark"></i>

   <label class="item item-radio">
      <input type="radio" name="group1">
      <div class="item-content">
         Choice 2
      <i class="radio-icon ion-checkmark"></i>

   <div class=" item item-divider">

   <label class="item item-radio">
      <input type="radio" name="group2">
      <div class="item-content">
         Choice 3
      <i class="radio-icon ion-checkmark"></i>

   <label class="item item-radio">
      <input type="radio" name="group2">
      <div class="item-content">
         Choice 4
      <i class="radio-icon ion-checkmark"></i>

Above code will produce following screen:
Ionic Radio Button Groups

Ionic - Range

Ionic range is used to choose and display level of something. It will represent the actual value in corelation to maximal and minimal value. Ionic offer simple way of working with range.

Using Range

Range are used inside item element. The class that is used is range. We will place this class after the item class. This will prepare container where the range will be placed. After creating container we need to add input and assign rangetype to it and name attribute.
<div class = "item range">
   <input type = "range" name = "range1">
Above code will produce following screen −
Ionic Range

Adding Icons

Range will usually require icons to display data clearly. We just need to add icons before and after range input to place them on both sides of the range element.
<div class = "item range">
   <i class = "icon ion-volume-low"></i>
   <input type = "range" name = "volume">
   <i class = "icon ion-volume-high"></i>
Above code will produce following screen −
Ionic Range Icons

Styling Range

Our next example will show you how to style range with Ionic colors. Color classes will use range prefix. We will create list with nine ranges and style it differently.
<div class = "list">
   <div class = "item range range-light">
      <input type = "range" name = "volume">
   <div class = "item range range-stable">
      <input type = "range" name = "volume">
   <div class = "item range range-positive">
      <input type = "range" name = "volume">
   <div class = "item range range-calm">
      <input type = "range" name = "volume">
   <div class = "item range range-balanced">
      <input type = "range" name = "volume">
   <div class = "item range range-energized">
      <input type = "range" name = "volume">
   <div class = "item range range-assertive">
      <input type = "range" name = "volume">
   <div class = "item range range-royal">
      <input type = "range" name = "volume">
   <div class = "item range range-dark">
      <input type = "range" name = "volume">
Above code will produce following screen −
Ionic Range Color

Ionic - Select

Ionic select will create simple menu with select options to choose from. Select menu will look differently on different platforms since it's styling is handled by the browser.

Using Select

First we will create label and add item-input and item-select classes. The second class will add additional styling to select form, then we will add input-label class inside that will be used to add a name to our select element. We will also add select with option inside. This is regular HTML5 select element. Example below is showing Ionic select with three options.
<label class = "item item-input item-select">
   <div class = "input-label">
      <option>Option 1</option>
      <option selected>Option 2</option>
      <option>Option 3</option>
The above code will produce following screen −
Ionic Select

Styling Select

The next example will show you how to apply styling to select. We are creating list with nine differently styled select elements using Ionic colors. Since we are using list with items, item will be prefix to color classes.
<div class = "list">
   <label class = "item item-input item-select item-light">
      <div class = "input-label">
         <option>Option 1</option>
         <option selected>Option 2</option>
         <option>Option 3</option>

   <label class = "item item-input item-select item-stable">
      <div class = "input-label">
         <option>Option 1</option>
         <option selected>Option 2</option>
         <option>Option 3</option>

   <label class = "item item-input item-select item-positive">
      <div class = "input-label">
         <option>Option 1</option>
         <option selected>Option 2</option>
         <option>Option 3</option>

   <label class = "item item-input item-select item-calm">
      <div class = "input-label">
         <option>Option 1</option>
         <option selected>Option 2</option>
         <option>Option 3</option>

   <label class = "item item-input item-select item-balanced">
      <div class = "input-label">
         <option>Option 1</option>
         <option selected>Option 2</option>
         <option>Option 3</option>

   <label class = "item item-input item-select item-energized">
      <div class = "input-label">
         <option>Option 1</option>
         <option selected>Option 2</option>
         <option>Option 3</option>

   <label class = "item item-input item-select item-assertive">
      <div class = "input-label">
         <option>Option 1</option>
         <option selected>Option 2</option>
         <option>Option 3</option>

   <label class = "item item-input item-select item-royal">
      <div class = "input-label">
         <option>Option 1</option>
         <option selected>Option 2</option>
         <option>Option 3</option>

   <label class = "item item-input item-select item-dark">
      <div class = "input-label">
         <option>Option 1</option>
         <option selected>Option 2</option>
         <option>Option 3</option>
The above code will produce following screen −
Ionic Select Color

Ionic - Tabs

Ionic tabs are most of the time used for mobile navigation. Styling is optimized for different platforms. This means that on android devices tabs will be placed at the top of the screen, while on IOS it will be at the bottom. There are different ways of creating tabs. During this tutorial we will show you how to achieve it.

Simple Tabs

Simple tabs menu can be created with tabs class. Inside element that is using this class we need to add tab-item elements. Since tabs are usually used for navigation, we will use <a> tags for tab items. The example is showing menu with four tabs.
<div class = "tabs">
   <a class = "tab-item">
      Tab 1
   <a class = "tab-item">
      Tab 2
   <a class = "tab-item">
      Tab 3
Above code will produce following screen −
Ionic Tabs

Adding Icons

Ionic provides classes for adding icons to tabs. If you want your tabs to only have icons without any text there is tabs-icon-only class that should be added after tabs class. Of course you need to add icons you want to display.
<div class = "tabs tabs-icon-only">
   <a class = "tab-item">
      <i class = "icon ion-home"></i>
   <a class = "tab-item">
      <i class = "icon ion-star"></i>
   <a class = "tab-item">
      <i class = "icon ion-planet"></i>
Above code will produce following screen −
Ionic Tab Icons
You can also add icons and text together. tabs-icon-top and tabs-icon-leftare classes that will place icon above or on the left side of respectively. Implementation is the same as the example before, we will just add new class and text that we want to use. Example below shows icons placed above text.
<div class = "tabs tabs-icon-top">
   <a class = "tab-item">
      <i class = "icon ion-home"></i>
      Tab 1
   <a class = "tab-item">
      <i class = "icon ion-star"></i>
      Tab 2
   <a class = "tab-item">
      <i class = "icon ion-planet"></i>
      Tab 3
Above code will produce following screen −
Ionic Tab Icon Tob

Stripped Tabs

Striped tabs can be created by adding container around our tabs with tabs-striped class. This class allows usage of tabs-background and tabs-colorprefixes for adding some of The Ionic colors to tabs menu. In our example below we will use tabs-background-positive (blue) class to style background of our menu, and tabs-color-light (white) to style tab icons. Notice the difference between second tab that is active and the other two that aren't.
<div class = "tabs-striped tabs-background-positive tabs-color-light">
   <div class = "tabs">
      <a class = "tab-item">
         <i class = "icon ion-home"></i>
      <a class = "tab-item active">
         <i class = "icon ion-star"></i>
      <a class = "tab-item">
         <i class = "icon ion-planet"></i>
Above code will produce following screen −
Ionic Tab Strip

Ionic - Grid

Working with the Ionic grid system is straightforward. There are two main classes row for working with rows and col for columns.
You can choose as much as columns or rows you want. All of them will adjust its size to accommodate available space, although you can change this behaviour to suit your needs.
NOTE − All examples in this tutorial will have borders applied to our grid to be able to display it in a way that is easy to understand.

Simple Grid

Example below shows how to use col and row classes. We will create two rows. First row will have five columns, and the second one will have only three. Notice how width of columns is different in first and second row.
<div class = "row">
   <div class = "col">col 1</div>
   <div class = "col">col 2</div>
   <div class = "col">col 3</div>
   <div class = "col">col 4</div>
   <div class = "col">col 5</div>

<div class = "row">
   <div class = "col">col 1</div>
   <div class = "col">col 2</div>
   <div class = "col">col 3</div>
Above code will produce following screen −
Ionic Grid

Column Sizes

Sometimes you don't want to leave column sizes automatically assigned. If this is the case you can choose col prefix followed by a number that will represent a percentage of the row width. This will apply only to the column with specific size applied. The other columns will adjust to the available space that is left.
In the example below first column will use 50 percent of the full width and the others will adjust accordingly.
<div class = "row">
   <div class = "col col-50">col 1</div>
   <div class = "col">col 2</div>
   <div class = "col">col 3</div>
   <div class = "col">col 4</div>
   <div class = "col">col 5</div>

<div class = "row">
   <div class = "col col-50">col 1</div>
   <div class = "col">col 2</div>
   <div class = "col">col 3</div>
The above code will produce following screen −
Ionic Grid Column
Following table shows available percentage options that Ionic grid system provides −

Column Percentage Classnames

Class NamePercentage Used

Horizontal and Vertical Positioning

The columns can be offset from the left. It works the same as the specific size of the columns. This time prefix will be col-offset and then we will use the same percentage numbers showed in the table above. Following example shows how can we offset second column of both rows by 25 percent.
<div class = "row">
   <div class = "col">col 1</div>
   <div class = "col col-offset-25">col 2</div>
   <div class = "col">col 3</div>
   <div class = "col">col 4</div>
   <div class = "col">col 5</div>

<div class = "row">
   <div class = "col">col 1</div>
   <div class = "col col-offset-25">col 2</div>
   <div class = "col">col 3</div>
Above code will produce following screen −
Ionic Grid Offset
You can also vertically align columns inside a row. There are three classes that can be used: topcenter and bottom class with col prefix. Code belows shows how to place vertically first three columns of both rows.
NOTE − In the example that follows we added .col {height: 120px} to our CSS to show you columns vertical placing.
<div class = "row">
   <div class = "col col-top">col 1</div>
   <div class = "col col-center">col 2</div>
   <div class = "col col-bottom">col 3</div>
   <div class = "col">col 4</div>
   <div class = "col">col 5</div>

<div class = "row">
   <div class = "col col-top">col 1</div>
   <div class = "col col-center">col 2</div>
   <div class = "col col-bottom">col 3</div>
Ionic Vertical Grid

Responsive Grid

Ionic grid can also be used for responsive layout. There are three classes available. responsive-sm class will collapse columns into single row when the viewport is smaller than landscape phone. responsive-md class will be applied when viewport is smaller than portrait tablet. responsive-lg class will be applied when viewport is smaller than landscape tablet.
First image after following example shows how responsive-sm class looks on mobile device and second one shows how the same responsive grid looks differently on Tablet device.
<div class = "row responsive-sm">
   <div class = "col col-25">col 1</div>
   <div class = "col">col 2</div>
   <div class = "col">col 3</div>
   <div class = "col">col 4</div>
   <div class = "col">col 5</div>

<div class = "row responsive-sm">
   <div class = "col">col 1</div>
   <div class = "col">col 2</div>
   <div class = "col">col 3</div>

Mobile Grid View

Mobile Grid View

Tablet Grid View

Tablet Grid View

Ionic - Padding

Ionic offers easy way to add padding to elements. There are couple of classes that can be used and all of them will add 10px between border of element and it's content. The table below displays all available padding classes.

Padding Classes

Class NameClass Info
paddingAdds padding around every side.
padding-verticalAdds padding to the top and bottom.
padding-horizontalAdds padding to the left and right.
padding-topAdds padding to the top.
padding-rightAdds padding to the right.
padding-bottomAdds padding to the bottom.
padding-leftAdds padding to the left.

Using Padding

When you want to apply some padding to your element you just need to assign one of the classes from the table above. Following example shows two block buttons. First one use padding class and the second one doesn't. You will notice that the first button is larger since it has 10px padding applied.
<div class = "button button-block padding">Padding</div>
<div class = "button button-block">No padding</div>
Above code will produce following screen −
Ionic Padding

Ionic - Javascript Action Sheet

Action Sheet is Ionic service that will trigger slide up pane on the bottom of the screen that you can use for various purposes.

Using Action Sheet

In the example that follows we will show you how to use Ionic action sheet. First we will inject $ionicActionSheet service as a dependency to our controller, then we will create $scope.showActionSheet() function, and last we will create button in our HTML template to call the function we created.

Controller Code

.controller('myCtrl', function($scope, $ionicActionSheet) {

   $scope.triggerActionSheet = function() {

      // Show the action sheet
      var showActionSheet = ${
         buttons: [
            { text: 'Edit 1' },
            { text: 'Edit 2' }
         destructiveText: 'Delete',
         titleText: 'Action Sheet',
         cancelText: 'Cancel',
         cancel: function() {
            // add cancel code...
         buttonClicked: function(index) {
            if(index === 0) {
               // add edit 1 code
            if(index === 1) {
               // add edit 2 code
         destructiveButtonClicked: function() {
            // add delete code..


<button class = "button">Action Sheet Button</button>

Code Explained

When we tap the button it will trigger $ function and Action Sheet will appear. You can create your own functions that will be called when one of the options is taped. cancel function will close the pane but you can add some other behavior that will be called when cancel option is tapped before the pane is closed.
The buttonClicked function is the place where you can write code that will be called when one of the edit options is tapped. We can keep track of multiple buttons by using index parameter. destructiveButtonCLicked is function that will be triggered when delete option is tapped. This option is red by default.
Ionic Action Sheet
$ method has some other useful parameters. You can check them all in following table.

Show method options

buttonsobjectCreates button object with a text field.
titleTextstringThe title of the action sheet.
cancelTextstringThe text for cancel button.
destructiveTextstringThe text for a destructive button.
cancelfunctionCalled when cancel button, backdrop or hardware back button is pressed.
buttonClickedfunctionCalled when one of the buttons is tapped. Index is used for keeping track of which button is tapped. Return true will close the action sheet.
destructiveButtonClickedfunctionCalled when destructive button is clicked. Return true will close the action sheet.
cancelOnStateChangebooleanIf true (default) it will cancel the action sheet when navigation state is changed.

Ionic - Javascript Backdrop

Ionic Backdrop will overlay content of the screen when applied. It will appear below other overlays (popup, loading etc...). There are two methods that can be used for managing backdrop service. $ionicBackdrop.retain() will apply backdrop over the components, and $ionicBackdrop.release() will remove it.

Using Backdrop

Example below shows how to use backdrop. We are adding $ionicBackdrop as a dependency to controller, then creating $scope.showBackdrop() function that will call retain method immediately and after three seconds it will call release method. We are using $timeout for the release method so we need to add it as a controller dependency too.
You will notice how the screen is darker in the image below since the backdrop is applied.
.controller('myCtrl', function($scope, $ionicBackdrop, $timeout) {

   $scope.showBackdrop = function() {
      $timeout(function() {
      }, 3000);
Ionic Backdrop

Ionic - Javascript Content

Almost every mobile app contains some fundamental elements. Usualy those elements include header and footer that will cover top and bottom part of the screen. All the other elements will be placed between those two. Ionic provide ion-content element that serves as a container that will wrap all the other elements that we want to create.

Ionic - Javascript Forms

We already went through Ionic CSS form elements in one of our previous tutorials, and now we will work with Ionic JavaScript forms. In this tutorial we will show you JavaScript checkbox, radio buttons and toggle.

Using ion-checkbox

Let's see how to use Ionic JavaScript checkbox. First we need to create ion-checkbox element in HTML file. Inside of it we will assign ng-model attribute that will be connected to the angular $scope. You will notice that we are using dot when defining value of model even though it would work without it. This will allow us to keep the link between child and parent scopes at all times. This is very important to avoid some issues that could happen in the future. After we created the element, we will bind its value using angular expressions.
<ion-checkbox ng-model="checkboxModel.value1">Checkbox 1</ion-checkbox>

<ion-checkbox ng-model="checkboxModel.value2">Checkbox 2</ion-checkbox>

<p>Checkbox 1 value is: <b>{{checkboxModel.value1}}</b></p>
<p>Checkbox 2 value is: <b>{{checkboxModel.value2}}</b></p>
Next we need to assign values to our model inside controller. The values we will use are false since we want to start with unchecked checkboxes.
$scope.checkboxModel = {
   value1 : false,
   value2 : false
Ionic Checkbox Unchecked
Now when we tap checkbox elements it will automatically change their model value to true as showed below.
Ionic Checkbox checked

Using ion-radio

First we will create three ion-radio elements in our HTML and assign ng-model and ng-value to it. After that, we will display chosen value with angular expression. We will start with all three radio elements unchecked so the value will not be assigned to our screen.
<ion-radio ng-model = "radioModel.value" ng-value = "1">Radio 1</ion-radio>
<ion-radio ng-model = "radioModel.value" ng-value = "2">Radio 2</ion-radio>
<ion-radio ng-model = "radioModel.value" ng-value = "3">Radio 3</ion-radio>

<p>Radio value is: <b>{{radioModel.value}}</b></p>
Ionic Radio unchecked
When we tap second checkbox element the value will change accordingly.
Ionic Radio checked

Using ion-toggle

You will notice that toggle is similar to checkbox. We will follow the same steps as we did with our checkbox. In HTML file first we will create ion-toggleelements, then assign ng-model value and then bind expression values of to our view.
<ion-toggle ng-model = "toggleModel.value1">Toggle 1</ion-toggle>
<ion-toggle ng-model = "toggleModel.value2">Toggle 2</ion-toggle>
<ion-toggle ng-model = "toggleModel.value3">Toggle 2</ion-toggle>

<p>Toggle value 1 is: <b>{{toggleModel.value1}}</b></p>
<p>Toggle value 2 is: <b>{{toggleModel.value2}}</b></p>
<p>Toggle value 3 is: <b>{{toggleModel.value3}}</b></p>
Next we will assign values to $scope.toggleModel in our controller. Since toggle use boolean values we will assign true to first element and false to the other two.
$scope.toggleModel = {
  value1 : true,
  value2 : false,
  value3 : false
Ionic Toggle Mixed
Now we will tap on second and third toggle to show you how the values change from false to true.
Ionic Toggle Checked

Ionic - Javascript Events

There are various Ionic events that can be used to add interactivity with users. Following table explains all Ionic events.
Event NameEvent Detail
on-holdCalled when duration of the touch is more than 500ms.
on-tapCalled when duration of the touch is less than 250ms.
on-double-tapCalled when there is double tap touch.
on-touchCalled immediately when touch begins.
on-releaseCalled when touch ends.
on-dragCalled when touch is moved without releasing around the page in any direction.
on-drag-upCalled when element is dragged up.
on-drag-rightCalled when the element is dragged to the right.
on-drag-leftCalled when the element is dragged to the left.
on-drag-downCalled when the element is dragged down.
on-swipeCalled when any dragging has high velocity moving in any direction.
on-swipe-upCalled when any dragging has high velocity moving up.
on-swipe-rightCalled when any dragging has high velocity moving to the right.
on-swipe-leftCalled when any dragging has high velocity moving to the left.
on-swipe-downCalled when any dragging has high velocity moving down.

Using Events

Since all Ionic events can be used the same way we will show you how to use on-touch event and you can just apply the same principles to the other events. First we will create button and assign on-touch event that will call onTouchFunction().
<button on-touch = "onTouchFunction()" class="button">Test</button>
Then we will create that function in our controller scope.
$scope.onTouchFunction = function() {
   // Do something...
Now when touch event occurs onTouchFunction() will be called.

Ionic - Javascript Header

This is Ionic directive that will add header bar.

Using JavaScript Header

To create JavaScript header bar we need to apply ion-header-bar directive in HTML file. Since default header is white we will add title so it will be showed on white background. We will add it to our index.html file.
     <h1 class="title">Title!</h1>
Ionic Header Bar

Styling header

Just like CSS header bar, the JavaScript counterpart can be styled in similar fashion. To apply color we need to add color class with bar prefix, so if we want to use blue header we will add bar-positive class. We can also move title to the side of the screen by adding align-title attribute. The values for this attribute can be centerleft or right.
<ion-header-bar align-title="left" class="bar-positive">
  <h1 class="title">Title!</h1>
Ionic Header Styling

Adding Elements

You will usually want to add some elements to your header. Following example shows how to place button on the left side and icon to the right side of ion-header-bar. You can also add other elements to your header.
<ion-header-bar class="bar-positive">
  <div class="buttons">
      <button class="button">Button</button>
  <h1 class="title">Title!</h1>
  <div class="buttons">
      <button class="button icon ion-home"></button>
Ionic Header Bar Elements

Adding Sub Header

Sub header is created when bar-subheader class is added to ion-header-bar. We will add bar-assertive class to apply red color to our sub header.
<ion-header-bar class="bar-positive">
  <div class="buttons">
      <button class="button">Button</button>
  <h1 class="title">Title!</h1>
  <div class="buttons">
      <button class="button icon ion-home"></button>

<ion-header-bar class="bar-subheader bar-assertive">
  <h1 class="title">Subheader</h1>
Ionic Header Bar Sub-Header

Ionic - Javascript Footer

This directive will add footer bar at the bottom of the screen.

Using Footer

Ionic footer can be added by applying ion-footer-bar class. Working with it is the same as working with header. We can add title and place it left, center or right by using align-title attribute, and with prefix bar we can Ionic colors. Let's create red colored footer with the title in the middle.
<ion-footer-bar align-title="center" class="bar-assertive">
  <h1 class="title">Title!</h1>
Ionic Javascript Footer

Adding Elements

We can add buttons icons or other elements to ion-footer-bar and their styling will be applied. Let's add button and Icon to our footer.
<ion-footer-bar class="bar-assertive">

  <div class="buttons">
      <button class="button">Button</button>
  <h1 class="title">Footer</h1>

  <div class="buttons">
      <button class="button icon ion-home"></button>

Ionic Javascript Footer Elements

Adding Sub Footer

We showed you how to use sub header. The same way can be created sub footer. It will be located above the footer bar. All we need to do is add bar-subfooter class to our ion-footer-bar element. In example that follows we will add sub-footer above the footer bar we previously created.
<ion-footer-bar class="bar-subfooter bar-positive">

  <h1 class="title">Sub Footer</h1>


<ion-footer-bar class="bar-assertive">

  <div class="buttons">
      <button class="button">Button</button>
  <h1 class="title">Footer</h1>

  <div class="buttons" ng-click="doSomething()">
      <button class="button icon ion-home"></button>

Ionic Javascript Sub Footer

Ionic - Javascript Keyboard

Keyboard is one of the automated features in Ionic. This means that Ionic can recognize when there is a need to open keyboard.

Using Keyboard

There are some functionalities that developers can adjust when working with Ionic keyboard. When you want to hide some elements while keyboard is open, you can use hide-on-keyboard-open class. To show you how this works we created input and button that needs to be hidden when keyboard is open.
<label class = "item item-input">
   <input type = "text" placeholder = "Input 1">

<button class = "button button-block hide-on-keyboard-open">
Ionic Keyboard Button
Now when we tap on input field the keyboard will open automatically and button will become hidden.
Ionic Keyboard
One nice feature of Ionic is that it will adjust elements on screen so your focused element is always visible when keyboard is open. Image below shows ten Input forms and the last one is blue.
Ionic Keyboard False
When we tap the blue form, Ionic will adjust our screen so the blue form is always visible.
Ionic Keyboard True


This will work only if the screen is within a directive that has a Scroll View. If you start with one of the Ionic templates you will notice that all templates use ion-content directive as a container to other screen elements so the Scroll View is always applied.

Ionic - Javascript List

We already discussed Ionic CSS list elements. In this tutorial we will show you JavaScript lists. They allow us to use some new features like swipe, drag and remove.

Using List

The directives used for displaying lists and items are ion-list and ion-item as showed below.
      Item 1 
      Item 2 
      Item 3  
Ionic List

Delete Button

This button can be added by using ion-delete-button directive. You can use any icon class you want. Since we don't always want to show delete buttons because users might accidentally tap it and trigger delete process we can add show-delete attribute to ion-list and connect it with ng-model. In the example below we will use ion-toggle as a model. When toggle is on delete, the buttons will appear on our list items.
<ion-list show-delete = "showDelete1">
      <ion-delete-button class = "ion-minus-circled"></ion-delete-button>
      Item 1
      <ion-delete-button class = "ion-minus-circled"></ion-delete-button>
      Item 2

<ion-toggle ng-model = "showDelete2">
   Show Delete 2
Ionic List Delete Button

Reorder Button

Ionic directive for reorder button is ion-reorder-button. The element we created has on-reorder attribute that will trigger the function from our controller whenever user is dragging this element.
<ion-list show-reorder = "true">
   <ion-item ng-repeat = "item in items">
      Item {{}}
      <ion-reorder-button class = "ion-navicon" on-reorder = "moveItem(item, $fromIndex, $toIndex)"></ion-reorder-button>
$scope.items = [
   {id: 1},
   {id: 2},
   {id: 3},
   {id: 4}

$scope.moveItem = function(item, fromIndex, toIndex) {
   $scope.items.splice(fromIndex, 1);
   $scope.items.splice(toIndex, 0, item);
Ionic List Reorder 1
When we click the icon on the right we can drag element and move it to some other place in the list.
Ionic List Reorder 2

Option Button

Option button is created using ion-option-button directive. These buttons are showed when list item is swiped to the left and we can hide it again by swiping item element to the right. You can see in example below two buttons that are hidden.
      Item with two buttons...
      <ion-option-button class = "button-positive">Button 1</ion-option-button>
      <ion-option-button class = "button-assertive">Button 2</ion-option-button>
Ionic List Option Hidden
When we swipe item element to the left, the text will be moved left and buttons will appear on the right side.
Ionic List Option Visible

Other Functions

collection-repeat is updated version of AngularJs ng-repeat directive. It will only render visible elements on the screen and the rest will be updated as you scroll. This is important performance improvement when you are working with large lists. This directive can be combined with item-width and item-heightattributes for further optimization of the list items.
There are some other useful attributes for working with images inside your list. item-render-buffer represents number of items that are loaded after visible items. The higher this value is, the more items will be preloaded. force-refresh-images will fix an issue with source of the images while scrolling. Both of these classes will influence performance in a negative way.

Ionic - Javascript Loading

Ionic loading will disable any interaction with users when showed and enable it again when it is needed.

Using Loading

Loading is triggered inside controller. First we need to inject $ionicLoading in our controller as dependency. After that we need to call $ method and loading will appear. For disabling it there is $ionicLoading.hide() method.


.controller('myCtrl', function($scope, $ionicLoading) {

   $scope.showLoading = function() {
         template: 'Loading...'

   $scope.hideLoading = function(){


<button class = "button button-block" ng-click = "showLoading()"></button>
When user taps the button, the loading will appear. You will usually want to hide the loading after some time consuming functionalities are finished.
Ionic Loading Show
There are some other option parameters that can be used when working with loading. The explanation is shown in the table below.

Loading option parameters

templateUrlstringUsed to load HTML template as loading indicator.
scopeobjectUsed to pass custom scope to loading. Default is the $rootScope.
noBackdropbooleanUsed to hide the backdrop.
hideOnStateChangebooleanUsed to hide the loading when state is changed.
delaynumberUsed to delay showing the indicator in milliseconds.
durationnumberUsed to hide the indicator after some time in milliseconds. Can be used instead of hide()method.

Loading Config

Ionic config is used to configure options you want to be used in all of the $ionicLoading services throughout the app. This can be done by using $ionicLoadingConfig. Since constants should be added to main app module, open your app.js file and add your constant after module declaration.
.constant('$ionicLoadingConfig', {
   template: 'Default Loading Template...'
Ionic Loading Constant

Ionic - Javascript Modal

Navigation is one of the core components of every app. Ionic is using AngularJS UI Router for handling navigation.

Using Navigation

Navigation can be configured in app.js file. If you are using one of the Ionic templates you will notice $stateProvider service injected into app config. The most simple way of creating states for the app is showed in the example below. $stateProvider service will scan the url, find the corresponding state and load the file we defined in app.config.

app.js Code

.config(function($stateProvider) {
   .state('index', { url: '/', templateUrl: 'templates/home.html'})
   .state('state1', {url: '/state1', templateUrl: 'templates/state1.html'})
   .state('state2', {url: '/state2', templateUrl: 'templates/state2.html',});
The state will be loaded into the ion-nav-view element that can should be placed in index.html body.

index.html Code

When we created states in the example above we were using templateUrl so when state is loaded it will search for matching template file. Now we will open templates folder and create new file state1.html that will be loaded when app url is changed to /state1.
state1.html Code
      This is State 1 !!!
Ionic Navigation State

Creating Navigation Menu

You can add navigation bar to your app in index.html body by adding ion-nav-bar element. Inside navigation bar we will add ion-nav-back-button with icon. This will be used for returning to previous state. The button will appear automatically when state is changed. We will assign goBack() function that will use $ionicHistory service for handling this functionality. So when user leave home state and go to state1, the back button will appear that can be taped if user want to return to home state again.

index.html Code

<ion-nav-bar class = "bar-positive">
   <ion-nav-back-button class = "button-clear" ng-click = "goBack()">
      <i class = "icon ion-arrow-left-c"></i> Back

Controller Code

.MyCtrl($scope, $ionicHistory) {
   $scope.goBack = function() {
Ionic Navigation Back Button

Adding Navigation Elements

Buttons can be added to navigation bar using ion-nav-buttos. This element should be placed inside ion-nav-bar or ion-view. We can assign side attribute with four option values. primary and secondary values will place buttons according to platform that is used. Sometimes you want buttons on one side no matter if it's IOS or Android. If that is the case you can use left or rightattributes instead.
We can also add ion-nav-title to navigation bar. All of the code will be placed in index.html body so it can be used everywhere.
<ion-nav-bar class = "bar-positive">
   <ion-nav-buttons side = "primary">
      <button class = "button">
         Button 1
Ionic Navigation Elements

Other Navigation Attributes

Following table shows other functionalities that can be used with Ionic navigation.

Navigation Attributes

nav-transitionnone, ios, androidUsed to set animation that should be applied when transition occurs.
nav-directionforward, back, enter, exit, swapUsed to set the direction of the animation when transition occurs.
hardwareBackButtonClosebooleanIt will enable closing the modal when hardware back button is clicked. Default value is true.


Ionic is caching up to ten views to improve performance. It also offers a way to handle caching manually. Since only backward views are cached and forward ones are loading each time users visit them we can easily set to cache forward views by using following code.
We can also set how many states should be cached. If we want three views to be cached, we can use the following.
Caching can be disabled inside $stateProvider or by setting attribute to ion-view. Both examples are below.
$stateProvider.state('state1', {
   cache: false,
   url : '/state1',
   templateUrl: 'templates/state1.html'
<ion-view cache-view = "false"></ion-view>

Delegate for Controlling Navigation Bar

We can control behavior of the navigation bar using $ionicNavBarDelegateservice. This service needs to be injected to our controller.


   <button ng-click = "setNavTitle('title')">
      Set title to banana!

Controller Code

$scope.setNavTitle = function(title) {
The $ionicNavBarDelegate service has other useful methods.

Methods for $ionicNavBarDelegate

align(parameter)center, left, rightstringUsed to align the title.
showBackButton(parameter)showbooleanUsed to show or hide the back button.
title(parameter)titlestringUsed to show the new title.


You can track history of the previous, current and the forward views by using $ionicHistory service. Following table shows all of the methods of this service.

Methods for $ionicHistory

viewHistory/objectReturns the app view history data.
currentView()/objectReturns the current view.
title(parameter)titlestringReturns the ID of the view which is parent of the current view.
currentTitle(parameter)valstringReturns the title of the current view. It can be updated by setting new valvalue.
backView()/stringReturns the last back view.
backTitle()/stringReturns the title of last back view.
forwardView()/objectReturns the last forward view.
currentStateName()/stringReturns the current state name.
goBack()backCountnumberUsed to set how many views to go back. Number should be negative. If it is positive or zero it will have no effect..
clearHistory()//Used to clear entire view history.
clearCache()/promiseUsed to clear all cached views.
nextViewOptions()/objectSets the options of the next view. You can look the following example for more info.
The nextViewOptions() method has three options available. disableAnimate is used for disabling animation of the next view change. disableBack will set the back view to null. historyRoot will set the next view as the root view.
   disableAnimate: true,
   disableBack: true

Ionic - Javascript Popover

This is a view that will appear above the regular view.

Using Popover

Popover can be created by using ion-popover-view element. This element should be added to HTML template and $ionicPopover service needs to be injected into controller.
There are three ways of adding popover. fromTemplate method allows using inline template.

Controller Code

.controller('DashCtrl', function($scope, $ionicLoading, $ionicPopover) {
   // .fromTemplate() method
   var template = '<ion-popover-view>' + '<ion-header-bar>' +
      '<h1 class = "title">Popover Title</h1>' +
      '</ion-header-bar>'+ '<ion-content>' +
      'Popover Content!' + '</ion-content>' + '</ion-popover-view>';

   $scope.popover = $ionicPopover.fromTemplate(template, {
      scope: $scope

   $scope.openPopover = function($event) {

   $scope.closePopover = function() {

   //Cleanup the popover when we're done with it!
   $scope.$on('$destroy', function() {

   // Execute action on hide popover
   $scope.$on('popover.hidden', function() {
      // Execute action

   // Execute action on remove popover
   $scope.$on('popover.removed', function() {
      // Execute action
The second and the third way of adding popover is to use fromTemplateUrlmethod. The controller code will be the same for both ways except the fromTemplateUrl value. If HTML is added to existing template, the url will be popover.html. If we want to place HTML into templates folder, then the url will change to templates/popover.html. Both examples can be seen below.

Controller Code

.controller('MyCtrl', function($scope, $ionicPopover) {

   $ionicPopover.fromTemplateUrl('popover.html', {
      scope: $scope
   }).then(function(popover) {
      $scope.popover = popover;

   $scope.openPopover = function($event) {

   $scope.closePopover = function() {

   //Cleanup the popover when we're done with it!
   $scope.$on('$destroy', function() {

   // Execute action on hide popover
   $scope.$on('popover.hidden', function() {
      // Execute action

   // Execute action on remove popover
   $scope.$on('popover.removed', function() {
      // Execute action
Now we will add script with template to the HTML file we are using for calling popover function.

HTML code from Existing HTML file

<script id = "popover.html" type = "text/ng-template">
         <h1 class = "title">Popover Title</h1>
         Popover Content!
If we want to create HTML as a separate file, we can create new HTML file in templates folder and use the same code as we used in the example above just without script tags.

The new created HTML file

       <h1 class = "title">Popover Title</h1>
      Popover Content!
The last thing we need is to create button that will be clicked to show popover.
<button class = "button" ng-click = "openPopover($event)">Add Popover</button>
Whatever way we choose from above examples, the output will always be the same.
Popover Js
The following table shows $ionicPopover methods that can be used.
initialize(options)scope, focusFirst, backdropClickToClose, hardwareBackButtonCloseobject, boolean, boolean, booleanscope is used to pass custom scope to popover. Default is the $rootScope. focusFirstInput is used to auto focus the first input of the popover. backdropClickToClose is used to close popover when clicking the backdrop. hardwareBackButtonClose is used to close popover when hardware back button is pressed.
show($event)$eventpromiseResolved when popover is finished showing.
hide()/promiseResolved when popover is finished hiding.
remove()/promiseResolved when popover is finished removing.
isShown()/booleanReturns true if popover is shown or false if it isn't.

Ionic - JavaScript Popup

This service is used for creating popup window on top of the regular view which will be used for interaction with users. There are four types of popups − showconfirmalert and prompt.

Using Show Popup

This popup is the most complex of all. To trigger popups we need to inject $ionicPopup service to our controller and then just add a method that will trigger the popup we want to use, in this case $ The onTap(e) function can be used for adding e.preventDefault() method that will keep the popup open if there is no change applied to the input. When popup is closed, the promise object will be resolved.

Controller Code

.controller('MyCtrl', function($scope, $ionicPopup) {

   // When button is clicked, the popup will be shown...
   $scope.showPopup = function() {
      $ = {}
      // Custom popup
      var myPopup = ${
         template: '<input type = "text" ng-model = "data.model">',
         title: 'Title',
         subTitle: 'Subtitle',
         scope: $scope,
         buttons: [
            { text: 'Cancel' }, {
               text: '<b>Save</b>',
               type: 'button-positive',
                  onTap: function(e) {
                     if (!$ {
                        //don't allow the user to close unless he enters model...
                     } else {
                        return $;

      myPopup.then(function(res) {
         console.log('Tapped!', res);



<button class = "button" ng-click = "showPopup()">Add Popup Show</button>
Ionic Popup Show
You are probably noticing in above example some options used. The following table will explain all of the options and their use case.

Show Popup Options

templatestringInline HTML template of the popup.
templateUrlstringURL of the HTML template.
titlestringThe title of the popup.
subTitlestringThe subtitle of the popup.
cssClassstringThe CSS class name of the popup.
scopeScopeA scope of the popup.
buttonsArray[Object]Buttons that will be placed in footer of the popup. They can use their own properties and methods. text is displayed on top of the button, type is the Ionic class used for the button, onTap is function that will be triggered when the button is tapped. Returning a value will cause the promise to resolve with the given value.

Using Confirm Popup

Confirm popup is simpler version of Ionic popup. It contains Cancel and OK buttons that users can press to trigger corresponding functionality. It returns the promise object that is resolved when one of the buttons are pressed.

Controller Code

.controller('MyCtrl', function($scope, $ionicPopup) {

   // When button is clicked, the popup will be shown...
   $scope.showConfirm = function() {
      var confirmPopup = $ionicPopup.confirm({
         title: 'Title',
         template: 'Are you sure?'

      confirmPopup.then(function(res) {
         if(res) {
         } else {
            console.log('Not sure!');



<button class = "button" ng-click = "showConfirm()">Add Popup Confirm</button>
Ionic Popup Confirm
The following table explains the options that can be used for this popup.

Confirm Popup Options

templatestringInline HTML template of the popup.
templateUrlstringURL of the HTML template.
titlestringThe title of the popup.
subTitlestringThe subtitle of the popup.
cssClassstringThe CSS class name of the popup.
cancelTextstringThe text for the Cancel button.
cancelTypestringThe Ionic button type of the Cancel button.
okTextstringThe text for the OK button.
okTypestringThe Ionic button type of the OK button.

Using Alert Popup

Alert is simple popup that is used for displaying alert information to the user. It has only one button that is used to close the popup and resolve the popups promise object.

Controller Code

.controller('MyCtrl', function($scope, $ionicPopup) {

   $scope.showAlert = function() {
      var alertPopup = $ionicPopup.alert({
         title: 'Title',
         template: 'Alert message'

      alertPopup.then(function(res) {
         // Custom functionality....



<button class = "button" ng-click = "showAlert()">Add Popup Alert</button>
Ionic Popup Alert
Following table shows the options that can be used for alert popup.

Alert Popup Options

templatestringInline HTML template of the popup.
templateUrlstringURL of the HTML template.
titlestringThe title of the popup.
subTitlestringThe subtitle of the popup.
cssClassstringThe CSS class name of the popup.
okTextstringThe text for the OK button.
okTypestringThe Ionic button type of the OK button.

Using Prompt Popup

Last Ionic popup that can be created using Ionic is prompt. It has OK button that resolves promise with value from the input and Cancel button that resolves with undefined value.

Controller Code

.controller('MyCtrl', function($scope, $ionicPopup) {

   $scope.showPrompt = function() {
      var promptPopup = $ionicPopup.prompt({
         title: 'Title',
         template: 'Template text',
         inputType: 'text',
         inputPlaceholder: 'Placeholder'
      promptPopup.then(function(res) {



<button class = "button" ng-click = "showPrompt()">Add Popup Prompt</button>
Ionic Popup Prompt
Following table shows options that can be used for prompt popup.

Prompt Popup Options

templatestringInline HTML template of the popup.
templateUrlstringURL of the HTML template.
titlestringThe title of the popup.
subTitlestringThe subtitle of the popup.
cssClassstringThe CSS class name of the popup.
inputTypestringThe type for the input.
inputPlaceholderstringA placeholder for the input.
cancelTextstringThe text for the Cancel button.
cancelTypestringThe Ionic button type of the Cancel button.
okTextstringThe text for the OK button.
okTypestringThe Ionic button type of the OK button.

Ionic - JavaScript Scroll

The element used for scrolling manipulation in ionic apps is ion-scroll.

Using Scroll

The following code snippets will create scrollable container and adjust scrolling patterns. First we will create our HTML element and add properties to it. We will add > direction = "xy" to allow scrolling to every side, We will also set width and height for the scroll element.


<ion-scroll zooming = "true" direction = "xy" style = "width: 320px; height: 500px">
   <div class = "scroll-container"></div>
Next we will add image of our world map to div element we created inside ion-scroll and set its width and height.

CSS Code

.scroll-container {
   width: 2600px;
   height: 1000px;
   background: url('../img/world-map.png') no-repeat
When we run our app, we can scroll the map in every direction. Example below shows North America part of the map.
Ionic Javascript Scroll Start
We can scroll this map to any part that we want. Let's scroll it to show Asia.
Ionic Javascript Scroll End
There are other attributes that can be applied to ion-scroll. You can check them in the following table.

Scroll Attributes

directionstringPossible directions of the scroll. Default value is y
delegate-handlestringUsed for scroll identification with $ionicScrollDelegate.
lockingbooleanUsed to lock scrolling in one direction at a time. Default value is true.
pagingbooleanUsed to determine if the paging will be used with scroll.
on-refreshexpressionCalled on pull-to-refresh.
on-scrollexpressionCalled when scrolling.
scrollbar-xbooleanShould horizontal scroll bar be shown. Default value is true.
scrollbar-ystringShould vertical scroll bar be shown. Default value is true.
zoomingbooleanUsed to apply pinch-to-zoom.
min-zoomintegerMinimal zoom value.
max-zoomintegerMaximal zoom value.
scrollbar-xbooleanUsed to enable bouncing. Default value on IOS is true, on Android false.

Infinite Scroll

Infinite scroll is used to trigger some behavior when scrolling pass the bottom of the page. Following example shows how this works. In our controller we created function for adding items to the list. Items will be added when scroll passes 10% of the last element loaded. This will continue until we hit 30 loaded elements. Every time loading is finished, on-infinite will broadcast scroll.infiniteScrollComplete event.


   <ion-item ng-repeat = "item in items" item = "item">Item {{ }}</ion-item>

<ion-infinite-scroll ng-if = "!noMoreItemsAvailable" on-infinite = "loadMore()" distance = "10%"></ion-infinite-scroll>

Controller Code

.controller('MyCtrl', function($scope) {

   $scope.items = [];

   $scope.noMoreItemsAvailable = false;
   $scope.loadMore = function() {

      $scope.items.push({ id: $scope.items.length}); 

      if ($scope.items.length == 30) {
         $scope.noMoreItemsAvailable = true;

There are other attributes that can be used with ion-infinite-scroll

Scroll Attributes

on-infiniteexpressionWhat should be called when scrolled to the bottom.
distancestringThe distance from the bottom needed to trigger on-infinite expression.
spinnerstringWhat spinner should be shown while loading
immediate-checkbooleanShould on-infinite be called when screen is loaded.

Scroll Delegate

Ionic offers delegate for full control of the scroll elements. It can be used by injecting $ionicScrollDelegate service to controller, and then use methods it provides. Example below shows scrollable list of 20 objects.


<div class = "list">
   <div class = "item">Item 1</div>
   <div class = "item">Item 2</div>
   <div class = "item">Item 3</div>
   <div class = "item">Item 4</div>
   <div class = "item">Item 5</div>
   <div class = "item">Item 6</div>
   <div class = "item">Item 7</div>
   <div class = "item">Item 8</div>
   <div class = "item">Item 9</div>
   <div class = "item">Item 10</div>
   <div class = "item">Item 11</div>
   <div class = "item">Item 12</div>
   <div class = "item">Item 13</div>
   <div class = "item">Item 14</div>
   <div class = "item">Item 15</div>
   <div class = "item">Item 16</div>
   <div class = "item">Item 17</div>
   <div class = "item">Item 18</div>
   <div class = "item">Item 19</div>
   <div class = "item">Item 20</div>

<button class = "button" ng-click = "scrollTop()">Scroll to Top!</button>

Controller Code

.controller('DashCtrl', function($scope, $ionicScrollDelegate) {

   $scope.scrollTop = function() {
Ionic Javascript Scroll Bottom
When we tap the button, the scroll will be moved to the top.
Ionic Javascript Scroll Top
Now we will go through all of the $ionicScrollDelegate methods.

Delegate Methods

scrollTop(parameter)shouldAnimatebooleanShould scroll be animated.
scrollBottom(parameter)shouldAnimatebooleanShould scroll be animated.
scrollTo(parameter1, parameter2, parameter3)left, top, shouldAnimatenumber, number, integerFirst two parameters determine value of the x, and y axis offset.
scrollBy(parameter1, parameter2, parameter3)left, top, shouldAnimatenumber, number, integerFirst two parameters determine value of the x, and y axis offset.
zoomTo(parameter1, parameter2, parameter3, parameter4)level, animate, originLeft, originTopnumber, boolean, number, numberlevel is used to determine level to zoom to. originLeft and originRightcoordinates where the zooming should happen.
zoomBy(parameter1, parameter2, parameter3, parameter4)factor, animate, originLeft, originTopnumber, boolean, number, numberfactor is used to determine factor to zoom by. originLeft and originRightcoordinates where the zooming should happen.
getScrollPosition()//Returns object with two number as properties: left and right. These numbers represent the distance the user has scrolled from the left and from the top respectively.
anchorScroll(parameter1)shouldAnimatebooleanIt will scroll to the element with the same id as the window.loaction.hash. If this element doesn't exist, it will scroll to the top.
freezeScroll(parameter1)shouldFreezebooleanUsed to disable scrolling for particular scroll.
freezeAllScrolls(parameter1)shouldFreezebooleanUsed to disable scrolling for all the scrolls in the app.
getScrollViews()/objectReturns the scrollView object.
Used to connect methods to the particular scroll view with the same handle.
$ionicScrollDelegate. $getByHandle('my-handle').scrollTop();

Ionic - JavaScript Side Menu

Side menu is one of the most used Ionic components. Side menu can be opened by swiping to the left or right or by triggering the button created for that purpose.

Using Side Menu

First element that we need is ion-side-menus. This element is used for connecting side menu with all screens that will use it. ion-side-menu-contentelement is where the content will be placed and ion-side-menu element is the place where we can put side directive. We will add side menu to index.htmland place ion-nav-view inside side menu content. This way the side menu can be used throughout entire app.



   <ion-side-menu>side = "left">
      <h1>SIde Menu</h1>


Now we will create button with menu-toggle = "left" directive. This button will usually be placed in the apps header bar but we will add it in our template file for the purpose of better understanding. Now when the button is tapped or when we swipe to the right, the side menu will open. You could also set menu-close directive if you would like to have one button only for closing side menu, but we will use toggle button for this.

HTML Template

<button menu-toggle = "left" class = "button button-icon icon ion-navicon"></button>
Ionic Javascript Side Menu
You can add some additional attributes to ion-side-menus element. enable-menu-with-back-views can be set to false to disable side menu when the back button is showed. This will also hide menu-toggle button from the header. The other attribute is delegate-handle that will be use for connection with $ionicSideMenuDelegate. This will be covered later.
ion-side-menu-content element can use its own attribute. When drag-content attribute is set to false, it will disable ability to open side menu by swiping content screen. edge-drag-threshold attribute has default value of 25. This means that swiping is allowed only 25 pixels from the left and right edge of the screen. We can change this number value or we can set it to falseto enable swiping on entire screen or true to disable it.
ion-side-menu can use side attribute that we showed in example above. It will determine weather the menu should appear from the left or the right side. is-enabled attribute with false value will disable side menu, and widthattribute value is number that represents how wide side menu should be. Default value is 275.

Side Menu Delegate

$ionicSideMenuDelegate is service used for controlling all side menus in the app. We will show you how to use it, and then we will go through all the options available. Like all Ionic services, we need to add it as dependency to our controller and the use it inside controllers scope. Now when we click the button, all of the side menus will open.

Controller Code

.controller('MyCtrl', function($scope, $ionicSideMenuDelegate) {
   $scope.toggleLeftSideMenu = function() {


<button class = "button button-icon icon ion-navicon" ng-click = "toggleLeft()"></button>
The following table shows $ionicScrollDelegate methods.

Delegate Methods

toggleLeft(parameter)isOpenbooleanUsed for opening or closing side menu.
toggleRight(parameter)isOpenbooleanUsed for opening or closing side menu.
getOpenRatio()//Returns ratio of open part over menu width. If half of the menu is open from the left, the ration will be 0.5. If side menu is closed, it will return 0. If half of the menu is open from the right side, it will return -0.5.
isOpen()/booleanReturns true if side menu is open, false if it is closed.
isOpenLeft()/booleanReturns true if left side menu is open, false if it is closed.
isOpenRight()/booleanReturns true if right side menu is open, false if it is closed.
getScrollPosition()//Returns object with two number as properties: leftand right. These numbers represent the distance the user has scrolled from the left and from the top respectively.
canDragContent(parameter1)canDragbooleanWhether the content can be dragged to open side menu.
edgeDragThreshold(parameter1)valueboolean|numberIf the value is true, the side menu can be opened by dragging 25px from the edges of the screen. If it is false, dragging is disabled. We can set any number that will represent pixel value from the left and right edge of the screen.
Used to connect methods to the particular side menu view with the same handle.
$ionicSideMenuDelegate. $getByHandle('my-handle').toggleLeft();

Ionic - JavaScript Slide Box

Slide box contains pages that can be changed by swiping the content screen.

Using Slide Box

The usage of the slide box is simple. You just need to add ion-slide-box as a container and ion-slide with box class inside that container. We will add height and border to our boxes for better visibility.



      <div class = "box box1">
         <h1>Box 1</h1>

      <div class = "box box2">
         <h1>Box 2</h1>

      <div class = "box box3">
         <h1>Box 3</h1>

.box1, box2, box3 {
   height: 300px;
   border: 2px solid blue;
Output will look like this −
Ionic Javascript Slide Box 1
We can change the box by dragging the content to the right. We can also drag to the left to show previous box.
Ionic Javascript Slide Box 2
There are various attributes that can be used for controlling slide box behavior.

Delegate Methods

does-continuebooleanShould slide box loop when first or last box is reached.
auto-playbooleanShould slide box automatically slide.
slide-intervalnumberTime value between auto slide change in milliseconds. Default value is 4000.
show-pagerbooleanShould pager be visible.
pager-clickexpressionCalled when a pager is tapped (if pager is visible). $index is used to match with different slides.
on-slide-changedexpressionCalled when slide is changed. $index is used to match with different slides.
active-slideexpressionUsed as a model to bind the current slide index to.
delegate-handlestringUsed for slide box identification with $ionicSlideBoxDelegate.

Slide Box Delegate

$ionicSlideBoxDelegate is service used for controlling all slide boxes. We need to inject it to the controller.

Controller Code

.controller('MyCtrl', function($scope, $ionicSlideBoxDelegate) {
   $scope.nextSlide = function() {


<button class = "button button-icon icon ion-navicon" ng-click = "nextSlide()"></button>
The following table shows $ionicSlideBoxDelegate methods.

Delegate Methods

slide(parameter1, parameter2)to, speednumber, numberParameter to represents index to slide to. speed determines how fast is the change in milliseconds.
enableSlide(parameter1)shouldEnablebooleanUsed for enambling or disabling sliding.
previous(parameter1)speednumberThe value in miliseconds the change should take.
stop()//Used to stop the sliding.
start()//Used to start the sliding.
currentIndex()/numberReturns index of the curent slide.
slidesCount()/numberReturns total number of the slides.
Used to connect methods to the particular slide box with the same handle.
$ionicSlideBoxDelegate.$getByHandle ('my-handle').start();

Ionic - Tabs

Tabs are useful pattern for any navigation type or selecting different pages inside your app. The same tabs will appear at the top of the screen for Android devices and at the bottom for IOS devices.

Using Tabs

Tabs can be added to app using ion-tabs as a container element and ion-tabas a content element. We will add it to index.html but you can add it to any HTML file inside your app. Just be sure not to add it inside ion-content to avoid CSS issues that comes with it.

index.html Code

<ion-tabs class = "tabs-icon-only">

   <ion-tab title = "Home" icon-on = "ion-ios-filing" 
      icon-off = "ion-ios-filing-outline"></ion-tab>

   <ion-tab title = "About" icon-on = "ion-ios-home" 
      icon-off = "ion-ios-home-outline"></ion-tab>

   <ion-tab title = "Settings" icon-on = "ion-ios-star" 
      icon-off = "ion-ios-star-outline"></ion-tab>

Ionic Javascript Tabs
There is API available for ion-tab elements. You can add it as attributes as showed in example above where we used titleicon-on and icon-off. The last two are used to differentiate selected tab from the rest of it. If you look at the image above, you can see that first tab is selected. You can check the rest of the attributes in the following table.

Tab Attributes

titlestringThe title of the tab.
hrefstringThe link used for tab navigation.
iconstringThe icon of the tab.
icon-onstringThe icon of the tab when selected.
icon-offstringThe icon of the tab when not selected.
badgeexpressionThe badge for the tab.
badge-styleexpressionThe badge style for the tab.
on-selectexpressionCalled when tab is selected
on-deselectexpressionCalled when tab is deselected
hiddenexpressionUsed to hide the tab.
disabledexpressionUsed to disable the tab.
Tabs also have its own delegate service for easier control of all the tabs inside the app. It can be injected to controller and contains several methods that are shown in the table below.

Delegate Methods

selectedIndex()/numberReturns the index of the selected tab.
Used to connect methods to the particular tab view with the same handle. Handle can be added to ion-tabs by usingdelegate-handle = "my-handle" attribute.

Ionic - Cordova Integration

Cordova offers ngCordova which is set of wrappers specifically designed to work with AngularJS.

Installing ngCordova

When you start Ionic app you will notice that it is using bower. It can be used for managing ngCordova plugins. If you have bower installed skip this step, if you don't then you can install it in command prompt window.
C:\Users\Username\Desktop\MyApp> npm install -g bower
Now we need to install ngCordova. Open your app in command prompt window. Example below is used for the app that is located on desktop and named MyApp
C:\Users\Username\Desktop\MyApp> bower install ngCordova
Next we need to include ngCordova to our app. Open index.html file and add the following scripts. It is important to add these scripts before cordova.js and after ionic scripts.
<script src = "lib/ngCordova/dist/ng-cordova.js"></script>
Now we need to inject ngCordova as angular dependency. Open your app.js file and add the ngCordova to angular module. If you used one of the Ionic template apps, you will notice that there are already injected ionic, controllers and services. In that case you will just add ngCordova at the and of array.
angular.module('myApp', ['ngCordova'])
You can always check the plugins that are already installed by typing −
C:\Users\Username\Desktop\MyApp> cordova plugins ls

Ionic - Cordova AdMob

This plugin is used for integrating ads natively. We will use admobpro plugin in this tutorial since the admob is deprecated.

Using AdMob

To be able to use ads in your app, you need to sign up to admob and create a banner. When you do this, you will get Ad Publisher ID. You will need it later in this tutorial. Since these steps aren't part of Ionic framework, we will not explain it in this tutorial. You can follow steps by Google support team here. You will also need to have android or ios platform installed since the cordova plugins work only on native platforms. We already showed you how to do this in our environment setup tutorial.
AdMob plugin can be installed in command prompt window.
C:\Users\Username\Desktop\MyApp> cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-admobpro
Now that we installed the plugin we need to check if device is ready before we are able to use it. This is why we need to add the following code in $ionicPlatform.ready function inside app.js.
if( ionic.Platform.isAndroid() )  { 
   admobid = { // for Android
      banner: 'ca-app-pub-xxx/xxx' // Change this to your Ad Unit Id for banner...

      AdMob.createBanner( {
      } );
Ionic Cordova Admob
The same code can be applied for IOS or windows phone. You will only use different id for these platforms. Instead of banner you can use interstitial ads that will cover entire screen.
The following table shows methods that can be used with admob.
createBanner(parameter1, parameter2, parameter3)adId/options, success, failUsed for creating the banner.
removeBanner()/Used for removing the banner.
showBanner(parameter1)positionUsed for showing the banner.
showBannerAtXY(parameter1, parameter2)x, yUsed for showing the banner at specified location.
hideBanner();/Used for hiding the banner.
prepareInterstitial(parameter1, parameter2, parameter3)adId/options, success, failUsed for preparing interstitial.
showInterstitial();/Used for showing interstitial.
setOptions(parameter1, parameter2, parameter3)options, success, failUsed for setting the default value for other methods.
There are also the events that can be used.
onAdLoadedCalled when the ad is loaded.
onAdFailLoadCalled when the ad is failed to load.
onAdPresentCalled when the ad will be showed on screen.
onAdDismissCalled when the ad is dismissed.
onAdLeaveAppCalled when the user leaves the app by clicking the ad.
You can handle these events by following the example below.
document.addEventListener('onAdLoaded', function(e){
   // Handle the event...

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